


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




around 6000 years




single and not ready to mingle


Grace, Mom, and Grandmother


in a family home in california


originally adopted from http://ladynephthys.deviantart.com/

($8 usd)

Background: Poudretteite was an archer made so serve yellow diamond, as the years went on, Poudretteite was sent to the Earth War to fight for yellow diamond. While she was there, she was attacked from behind and poofed, the warrior that poofed her was a jasper that belonged to yellow diamond. They had accidentally mistaken her for the other team due to their reckless behavior. So Poudretteite was left there, completely forgotten about as the jasper fought on. Yellow diamond tried to contact Poudretteite, but Poudretteite was still reforming, so her communication was unsuccessful. Poudretteite stayed on Earth for awhile after the war was over in her new form feeling betrayed by her own "friend" (the jasper) and Yellow Diamond. She still stayed on Earth waiting and hoping for yellow diamond to come back, but she never did, Yellow Diamond suspected Poudretteite was part of the "casualties" since her contact attempt wasn't successful and didn't care to go back looking for her.
Poudretteite eventually realized homeworld wasn't coming back for her and decided to try to find a way to survive on this planet. She was eventually found by a friendly Teenager named "Grace" that treated Poudretteite as her own sister. They really grew onto each other and Poudretteite started referring to her as "sister" as grace insisted. Poudretteite now lives in Grace's house along with Grace's mom. (Grace doesn't live in beach city, she lives in California) also grace's mom is a single mother, and grace is an only child

Nickname: Poudret (for short) or as people call her powder xD (as they cant pronounce her name properly)

Gender: Female Pronouns

Age: Unknown

Status: single

Allies/friends: Grace, Grace's mom

Enemies: Yellow diamond and her gems

Body Type: Curvaaaayy mama xD

Height: little taller than pearl

Gem: Poudretteite

Gem Type: Cyclosilicate

Gem Location: belly

Weapon: bow and arrow

Weapon Powers: arrow can explode on target doing a mass amount of damage, infinite arrows, does a splash damage (meaning explodes a mass range)

Appearance: one piece swim suit like clothes, a belt with a long transparent overskirt and an arrow holding bag, she ALSO has freckles

Synchronizing Dance Style: Jazz Dance (www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrNQjK…)

Theme song: Feeling Good by Michael Buble 
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehm4HL… / Feeling Good by Avicii www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7bSU-…

Secondary Abilities: 
can go invisible for 10 seconds at a time (5 second cooldown)
can Levitate  
can jump really high
Fast Reflexes 

bubbly (to those she knows), cares about others (enough to stick up to bullying and what not),she believes in peace and equality, her past haunts her giving her trust issues, feels lost sometimes, gets distracted easily, indecisive, curious, active, adventurous, brave, independent

favorite quote: "this planet is ....different, I see some humans put effort to fix it, but others, uh, not so much"

Alignment: Earth