


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Tullia / Tulle




Can change at will, their normal is around 5'5

Body type

Very thin, they can appear very feminine or masculine



Special details

Has freckles over the center of their face and a gap between their two front teeth.

Personality traits

Bratty, superior, high and mighty, holier than thou attitude.


Aromantic Pansexual


513 (Looks around 18)


Tullia never knew the definition of gender. Where she came from, or he on somedays, you simply existed. There was none of the strife about who or what you were, or what your wore. As life went on, and the world around her bloomed, she realized her place was uniquely open. She traveled as she grew older, like many her age did to learn about other dimensions and planes of the universe. There was not simply their home, but portals across space and time to be explored, and remembered should they vanish. 

One journey showed her something about the difference when she crossed through a vortex one day, different. Coming from her home, if your form changed, it was briefly noticed and usually quickly forgotten. But here the feeling of being male never left their attention. It was in his walk, his chest, and his very core as he explored the vast city he had arrived in that day. It was in the stares of women admiring him, and men not paying much attention aside from the interested parties. But Tulle took notice of other things that day too. A tightening in his throat when one minute he was talking to an attractive male local at a hidden coffee shop, before his magenta hands were pulling at short strands of deep violet as they kissed against the side of the building. How had he never felt this, so awake in a moment that sleep seemed impossible for a lifetime.

Their mind picks Tullia on the next jump, dainty feet landing on rough stone paths leading up to a fallen fortress. Surprisingly, a city bustled just inside the walls, boasting the sheer size of the space. The attitude she possessed was fitting though, and she held her head high as she walked, looking down on something should it catch her interest. Despite this though, she had admirers of both sexes watching her as she walked, some coming up to speak, though frightened when she turns and raises an eyebrow in expectation. She notices looks of envy and malice in this one too, women who are jealous of the men talking to her. It thrills Tullia a bit, makes her grin a little wider, go a little softer. She makes sure they find her later, conveniently with an attractive partner pressing her against a secluded alcove. They remind her of jungle cats, ready to pounce at the drop of a hat. She has claws as well, yet she isn’t challenged. She tries not to be disappointed by that.