


4 years, 2 months ago


Name Roxie-Pop
Age 23
Gender Female
Height 5'5
Birthstone Diamond
Species Wolfdog
Sign Aries




  • Is bilingual, She can speak Korean and English
  • She is a quite popular K-Pop and English popstar
  • Despite being an idol for most people she often lacks self confidence
  • She loves partying and hanging out with friends
  • She loves preforming and talking to other people.



Roxie is a K-pop singer and an English pop-star.She has made quite a name for herself and many people know her music and are fans of hers.Her career is self made and she plans on keeping it that way.She is generally a down to earth and chill person once you get to know her self. She doesnt have much self confidence due to her highschool years when others would bully and make fun of her.

She cares so much about others and will often forget about herself and will help almost anyone.Due to her past she has bad trust issues and will often doubt others feelings about her and will talk down about herself.Shes not full of herself at all she is the exact oppisite.She generally tries to do her best and she isn't afraid of failure.She is the most confident when preforming infront of others.She loves meeting her fans and having conversation.She's not shy at all even though she has a low self esteem. She is very understanding and caring.



  • Bubble tea
  • Chocolate crickets
  • Cuddles
  • Jokes


  • Rudeness
  • Spiders
  • Drama
  • Bugs


She was born in South Korea and she was raised there until she was five, then she moved to the U.S and stayed there until she was 13, then her family moved back to South Korea and stayed there until she was 17 and then again they moved back to the U.S and that was their last move.She was bullied in middle school and all throughout highschool for her eyes,She tries to get through it and she would often spend her time listening or making up music to cope with it,One of her close friends recommended that she post herself singing, She dismissed that idea but then later gave in and tried it and many people enjoyed her singing.

Once she gained popularity she upgraded her musical talents and her microphone,when she turned 18 she already had a record label and she was making enough money to live on her own. She went to college and then she dropped out continuing on her music career.She bought her own home and she already had her own life planned out.

She now is often living her best life and she does whatever she wants,music was her all time dream and she made it happen.


Echo Besties


Echo and her are best friends and will hang out alot.She would protect Echo with her life. They have a crackhead energy type friendship,they can be serious and they do have eachothers backs. They just do dumbass shit together most of the time.

Otis Boyfriend


She loves her weed smoking boyfriend so much.She loves him alot and tries to cuddle with him alot.

Name relationship


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Name relationship


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.

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