


4 years, 1 month ago


okay got this. two hundred heads, two hundred bodies, but its just one girl

the legion, as most jokingly refer to her as, is a collective of the multiple bodies of one singular mushroom girl. the collective can have hundreds if not thousands of the same girl at a time, and none of them are mobile. if she wants to  go somewhere, she simply grows another one of herself a ways further. one single body matures in a couple of weeks, and dies shortly after releasing its spores. to the legion, this is just daily life, though!

the legion is thoroughly cheerful, and unbothered by her surroundings. a free spirit through and through, though technically part of the autumn court, she lacks any sort of gloom and tricks that the usual denizen has. most of the time, the legion spends her time dancing, singing, and doing all sorts of general merry-making. her carefree demeanor puzzles most in her local forest, but they’d be lying if they said she didn’t bring some well-deserved cheer to the place.