

Blackhole Deepseamonster Cat

Name:  Anemone, named after the water-dwelling creature.
Seaweed Mercat / Diver Cat / Candy Cat / Ice Cream Cat / Rainbow Sky Cat / Fire Cat / Deity Space Cat

Anemone is a being that has a black hole vortex for a tail and is made up of all sorts of appendages moving around with minds of their own. Is it a plant or an animal, maybe a little of both? We don't know. Some of the appendages have blackhole vortexes as well and can cause all sorts of crazy happenings. It does however have candy pieces growing from its pelt so you will never go hungry if it traps you in another dimension. 

Fur Type:
  Fur is smooth and water proof, covered in tentacles that are made up of sugary substances that can lure , attract then immobilize prey, they  shed off at times into candy strips. Not a good idea, it was making blackholes so who knows what it does. Its fur makes completely harmless candy pieces that look like pebbles on its pelt.
Tail:  Large tentacle that has a large flowing  vortex black hole into other dimensions and abysses of doom where it drags its prey down

Candy Growths
  All of the tentacles webbing smell like cherry candy and sugar but eat at your own risk. Those who eat the candy Anemone produce usually fall asleep or become paralyzed quickly. Anemone and most of its kin are immune to the effects.
Space Matter
  In it's anemone tentacles it is full of unstable space matter that can go to the deepest voids in the universe, other universes or even time travel.

Created: 4/16/20,Cream x Bubble Tea
Belonged to Biological-Solutions, bought on 10/17/20 for 65 DA Points
Value: 0.65
