


4 years, 1 month ago


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"Let's just take a wrench and BEAT IT."


Name - Robin                       Age - Adult

Gender - NB                        DOB - 12/29

Species - Human                        Job - Inventor

Worldview - Optimistic                        Alignment - Chaotic Evil

Likes - Breaking things                        Dislikes - Static


Skin: Robin has no idea what they are doing, but they know one thing about it: they are downright livid. Robin comes in two flavors: silent fury and raging inferno. It’s no wonder since they have such strong ties with burning bridges once they get to them. Robin is a perfectionist after all. Interesting to note, Robin is just a really passionate individual, and they bouts of anger, although seriously scary, are mostly done in fun for them. Besides those anger explosions Robin enjoys being at the center of all groups. The glue to the group, Robin is the guardian parent. Often enough, you can find them bringing in orphans or strays to stay at RED. Fruit: Robin will never admit it, but their perfectionism is constantly controlling their thoughts. Every decision they make they quickly backtrack and ask if that was the best decision to make. Although Robin does get incredibly angry they are a pacifist and would never touch a weapon. Robin spends their time planning out maps and safe routes for RED to travel on. Although Robin only has one arm they are not hindered much due to losing the hand at a young age. However, Robin does wonder what people think of them when they display their arm. Pit: As Robin was put in a sweat shop for manufacturing weapons they got their arm stuck in one of the machines, ruining it forever. Although the adjustment has been rocky, being forced to adhere to such strict, near perfect standards snapped a couple of chords in Robin during their childhood. As the factory burned down due to some negligent following of safety protocols Robin so called learned that burning down the past was beneficial for moving on.

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