


4 years, 5 months ago



  •  Name  Simon

  •  Age  23

  •  Gender  Male (he/him)

  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"You just go off and do your thing while I take a 3 hour power nap."


Simon is, frankly, a bit of an oddball. Aside from his numerous quirks (such as wearing the same shirt every day and functioning on 3 hours of sleep daily with seemingly no setbacks), he has a sizable ego and is very much money-hungry. His negative traits are not helped by the fact that he is also a genius who is capable of making inventions at the forefront of technological advancement using mostly whatever he finds at the junkyard. In more positive terms, he tends to keep his ego to himself unless he's riled up enough, and his friends admire him for his honesty, passion, and his non-judgemental attitude towards those he meets.

On a day-to-day basis, Simon can probably be found making adjustments to Nil, his multi-functional, near-sentient android invention or doing research into how he can increase Nil's emotional and mental capabilities. His room is cluttered with bits of scrap metal he thinks he can use as well as cola cans due to his soda addiction. Simon pays his rent from using the profits of some coding environments and websites that he's designed himself -- all which are behind paywalls, of course. Now that he's designed an android with human-like capabilities, his plan is to send him off to do various jobs for him, at least doubling his income.

Despite the undesirable grades he attained throughout his grade school years, he attained a scholarship at one of the nation's top universities on a full scholarship due to his incredible test scores and impressive projects done outside of school. While he achieved average grades in college (never did the homework but aced the tests anyway) and was midway through completing a double major in Electrical Engineering and Linguistics, he decided to drop out and pursue these topics on his own. His engineering background has aided him in coming up with smart designs for Nil's build, and his linguistics background has allowed him to tune Nil's speech capabilities to be as lifelike as possible.


His build reflects his amount of exercise, which is very little; he could probably be described as "skinny-fat," but his shoulders are relatively broad. His hair is a brassy color and is parted down the middle. He is essentially blind without his glasses and refuses to wear a smarter pair than the round ones he owns, let alone switch to contact lenses. 90% of the time he can be found wearing a white T-shirt and khakis, each of which he owns exactly two pairs, along with one pair of tennis shoes. 

  •  Species  Human

  •  Residence  A one-room apartment

  •  Job  Programmer

  •  Sexuality  Pansexual

  • ● 5'10"
  • ● Only owns two pairs of pants and two shirts
  • ● Slightly pale skin
  • ● Bad posture, probably
  • Cola
  • Any genre with "noise" in the name
  • Money
  • Staying up to watch the sunrise
  • Drinking with close friends
  • Crowds of people
  • Sleeping
  • Being looked down on
  • Schedules
  • Clothes that aren't breathable


Simon is the youngest of three siblings, and was born to a family in extreme poverty. Unable to find stable work in the deflated Helios City economy of the prior decades, he and his family would find themselves intermittently homeless. Unable to afford any proper toys, he would go out on trips to the junkyard where he would piece together bits of junk to create toys to amuse himself with. After noticing his excellent scores on standardized tests in school, his parents put high amounts of pressure on him to get a good job and earn money to help them out of their situation. Despite their expectations due to his high IQ, they scolded him for his poor grades and "laziness" nonetheless, often ignoring him and leaving him to do as he pleased. Once he got into a top-tier university, he realized that his parents only ever praised him for his intelligence and never appreciated his other qualities. Nowadays Simon sends his family enough money to help them eat properly and maintain good shelter, but tends to avoid them otherwise if he can help it.


Nil Simon sees Nil as his greatest accomplishment as well as his ticket to riches. While Nil's feelings toward Simon are complicated, Simon doesn't know how to feel about him back. He's like... his roommate. But also his creator. But he's also kinda cute tho. Yeah.

Hui-Ying Simon and Hui-Ying were buddies at the same university until Simon dropped out to pursue his invention. Now, she frequently visits his apartment to hang out and probe his new android invention. Also, they totally drunkenly hooked up once and Simon refuses to talk about it.

Merle Overt suspicion. Has no clue why anyone would want to follow his expensive android around other than with bad intentions.

profile html by Hukiolukio