Kesni Coppervein



4 years, 10 days ago


Personality Traits: I try to be easy-going, but I've got a chip on my shoulder from always being distrusted. I hate making mistakes, so I'll settle for nothing less than perfection when it comes to my own work.

Ideals: Redemption. Everyone deserves a chance to clear their name and start anew.

Bonds: My old classmate, lost in the Feywild -- perhaps one day I'll find out happened to him and it'll prove my innocence once and for all.

Flaws: I'm very sensitive about being blamed for my mistakes.

Background: As a teen, Kesni went exploring with a classmate*. The two of them suddenly and unexpectedly crossed into the Feywild. Awestruck at first, her classmate soon became fearful and ran from her. While searching for him, she stumbled on an old crone who showed her the way back to the material plane. Once she'd already led Kesni out, the old woman said she'd keep something of the girl's in return for the favor she'd just done her. The crone then left without allowing Kesni to argue. She checked all of her possessions, but nothing was missing. The old crone didn't seem to have taken anything from her at all. Her classmate, on the other hand, never returned. Since the incident, Kesni's community has looked on her with trepidation. Most chose not to believe her story and suspect she traded the boy to a fey in order to save her own skin. After years of constantly defending herself, she grew more and more frustrated and, eventually, decided it was best to start a new life for herself elsewhere.

*Tinter Gemfoot, if it ever comes up