


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info








Laser Cannon Superweapon Spaceship thing??? idfk


extra shit im just pasting here from discord bc i dont feel like rewriting it better

"his whole thing is that he is a superweapon created by the decepticons using a new technology that harnesses the energy from the aftermath of a dying star. His alt mode is a giant laser gun spacecraft with the power to completely obliterate planets."

"Nebulaser was actually built with low intelligence in mind, so that he'd be unable to use reason and turn on them, being that he was such a powerful bot. when he was created he DID kill a lot of people before ending up being used to destroy a planet (i feel like using his power to the fullest like that might actually make him shut down and go into stasis, or make him go offline for good, so they were keeping him around to get as much use out of him as possible before that last resort). at some point when he began to question his and their actions, his creators were just like "wtf hes not supposed to be questioning these things" and tried telling him "this is what you should be doing, this is your purpose" and some even tried convincing him that the bots he killed were non sentient and unable to feel pain, it was just a game, youre doing a good deed, etc. but obviously these things conflicted, he could clearly see the bots in pain, dying on both sides, all the fucked up shit the war was doing, and was like "im not doing this any longer" and at that point they held him captive and tried re-wiring his processor to "fix" him, which didnt exactly work, and he was able to break free and escaped using a space bridge."

"(when they messed with his processor and failed to reprogram him it fucked up something else in him and sorta worked, which made him more obedient to a fault, where normally if he was ordered to do something currently without having that procedure done he might have had some of those memories resurface and completely refuse/it would trigger his ptsd. instead he just goes with it because he was made to follow orders by default, n the procedure had kinda "fixed" that in him and erased a lot of his memory.
That, and he has a natural willingness to make others happy. He'd still never want to hurt someone, even if ordered to though)"

"After he escaped Cybertron through the space bridge, he kept going for as long as he could until he felt he was generally safe. the space bridge coordinates had been set somewhat close to our solar system, and as he travelled space he started picking up on signals coming from earth which intrigued him. he ended up spending many many years isolated just listening to broadcasts from earth. these alien transmissions comforted him in the otherwise empty void of space where he drifted alone.
He spent so long isolated that he forgot how to interact with other sentient beings. His only prior knowledge of social interaction being the vague memories of past aggression and violence, which Nebulaser had repressed after being alone in space for so long. Any remaining thoughts of the past had been scrambled beyond repair and unable to be pieced together coherently."

"Although his memories of that time have faded, sometimes they resurface as hallucinations or nightmares. In these visions, he's afflicted with images of war, corruption, death, and despair flashing through his mind. Sometimes he sees through the optics of a cold-blooded killer, watching the fear in another bot's eyes as they die in the claws of an unknown predator. Sometimes visions of being held captive against his will, powerless, experiencing the fear of captured prey.
Nebulaser doesn't realize these events actually took place, and that the energon-soaked claws are his own. He seems to have successfully convinced himself that none of it is real."


Contrary to his appearance he just acts like a giant himbo and is really sweet and innocent
he literally has the power to destroy a planet but he hates unnecessary violence and wouldnt hurt a fly. he also has pretty bad memory (which he constantly apologizes for), probably the result of his processor being fucked with

the color scheme depicted in these pics is his post-cybertron appearance when he came to earth bc he was like "im gonna make synth music now :)" and gave himself a cyber paint job

also he has a laser sword that i havent drawn yet but after he comes to earth the laser sword turns into a huge keyboard guitar thing bc Radical tm

hes really big, not like titan big but probably around the size of G1 Omega Supreme or Cyberverse Astrotrain