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Verekha, distant descendant of the Cthulu bloodline. [Uses She / They / It / Void]

She’s got chronic pain which makes attending school hard, so she’s on a half schedule to accommodate for that. Voids the eldest child of the family, and the first to leave home for school as well! They got into Abbadon on scholarship, after winning a writing competition.

Due to her nature, she lives on the bottom floor of the dorms, with the aquatic students. More often than not she slips further down into the waters than most care to go, enjoying the darkness of the caves below.

Verekha has recently out in an application for a therapy animal, which the school is working to provide. Currently she’s impatiently waiting for them to get back to her about it, biding her time working on her thesis while she’s unable to attend regular classes.

Due to having a cut schedule, she mostly meets other students in the dorms, and is almost always around when other students are. Since schedules rotate, they know students of all types, and are slowly befriending more and more of them.

She’s got three younger siblings, two of which are winged twins. As the first to leave the house, void often writes back home or even has them visit the school. The twins especially love to take off and sneak to see her, which has gotten them all in trouble multiple times.

She has the ability to meld down into an inky substance full of tentacles and does so often when she’s tired or bored; additionally void also has an Eldritch form that’s much more difficult to shift into and they rarely choose to. They’re currently attending a specialized night class to get better at this, but it’s... a work in progress. They’ve got a solid C- in the class, more due to tardies than anything.

child of an eldritch being snd a human, can see peoples rotting, inky bodies and bones if she looks at them too long, wears a veil or bsndana most of the time to avoid Seein