

Mother: Tronda (German Shepherd/Alaskan Husky)

Father: Wild heart (Alaskan Wolf)

Siblings: Penny(F), Sweetie(F), Demon(M)

Siblings from other litter: Alex(M), Wild Heart Jr(M), Divine(M), Annabelle(F), Kelly(F), Amy(F)

Species: German Shepherd/Alaskan Husky/ Alaskan Wolf

Will clam up when asked to make a difficult decision.

Favourite food is wild strawberries.


After Tronda's human found out that her pups were part wolf, she dumped them at the side of the road. Sweet Heart's sister Penny succumbed, but the others survived. After that they went their separate ways.

Sweet Heart is a healthy wolf who generally lives by himself, but also has no trouble pairing up with others in order to accomplish a goal together (for example hunting or staying warm). He is amiable but doesn't feel a need to socialize, so he can go a long time by himself without feeling lonely. Sweet Heart is a peacemaker and will often help others resolve their differences while remaining a neutral party. Sweet Heart feels most at home out in nature where he feels a sort of spiritual connection to the Earth, especially when he is by himself. Often he'll take long aimless walks just looking around and enjoying the sun.