


4 years, 1 month ago


Arseni is a manticore from the Great Frigid Desert on the Valbara-Grenvel border. He's an excellent climber and well at home in the dry mountains and rocky mesas.

Senya is a goofball and generally has borderline-manic energy. He's chatty, hyperactive, reckless and quick to anger. He seeks out companionship with any sentient creature he encounters, but most fear him and his kind from their tendency to eat the ves. Arseni tends not to hunt and is more fond of carrion, although he has hunted a few wayward travellers in his time.

He's considered fairly young for his kind, although developmentally, he's on par with a ves in their early 20s. He has just recently started travelling without his family, and he's not ready to either return or start his own pack. Although he's a bit over-confident, he's still making a lot of mistakes on the way while he learns about himself.

Currently, his life's motivation is to avenge the death of his father at the hands of a two-legger (vesian) outlaw. He's not sure how he'll find the man, and he's started forgetting what the killer looked like as they years have past. Nonetheless, Senya's convinced he'll "know him when he sees him." He's been travelling from ghost town to ghost town, aggressively looking for his nemesis, and the civilized folk don't much care for his presence. Luckily, Arseni doesn't much care for what the two-leggers think of him.