


4 years, 2 months ago





Age21 human years
WorldEkora Island
OccupationTravelling Student

"I don't say much, but I think a lot."


Lirael is, in one word, nervous. He clings to the walls of Ivecaster, afraid of getting in anyone's way. It's easy for him to blend in with the crowd, though, especially in such a bustling city. He is passionate about his beliefs despite never being one to argue or debate. Due to his timidness, he tends to bottle up whatever feelings he has, and often has to force himself to step away from stressful situations. While he can't see himself starting up conversation with random people, he does enjoy the company of others, strangers or not. He also has trouble focusing on one task at a time, and though he pays attention to detail, he often forgets things. Recently, he has been trying to stand up for himself, but he still needs a push in the right direction.

Lirael dreams of graduating from a guild. Magic seems to be the best fit for him, as both the sword and bow have proven to be unrealistic, but he has seen little success in his self-studies and he gets frustrated easily when he doesn't get something right away. And actually getting to Pathos? The path lies out of reach for now.


Lirael is of average height, leaning towards the shorter end of the range. Underneath his well-groomed fur, he is a bit skinny, with little muscle definition. His hair grows out to cover part of his face, and his long ears sport white tufts at the ends. His right ear tends to fold over. White covers much of his body, though a significant portion of his fur is blotched with varying shades of grey, black, and brown. Dark wavy stripes lay themselves atop the color patches. He looks as if he doesn't get enough sleep, and he tends to slouch a bit. While both of his eyes are a soft green, the left one is clouded over.

He is rarely seen walking on all fours and can usually be found wearing simple, light clothes.


Name Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus non tortor sit amet ultricies. Aenean tempor libero eget faucibus tempor. Sed rhoncus, libero ut gravida sollicitudin, nulla lorem posuere nisl, in pretium tortor dui commodo libero.

Name Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit. Donec suscipit metus vitae lacus lacinia dignissim sit amet metus tincidunt.

Name Praesent sit amet rhoncus leo, quis venenatis nulla. In velit nulla, sollicitudin ac posuere vitae, hendrerit sit amet ante. Vestibulum felis felis, feugiat eu mauris et, bibendum molestie ligula. Cras ultrices malesuada enim ac eleifend. Praesent ligula ante. Duis porta nisi eu malesuada dignissim.


Lirael was born in Ivecaster to well-off merchants. While they certainly weren't bad parents and tried hard to be there for him and his younger siblings, they weren't the best emotionally, either. They expected him to naturally pick up skills and information, since they planned for him to inherit their business, but obviously that didn't happen. In school, he was a hard worker up to a certain point; when it seemed that he easily understood concepts, the pressure on him increased tenfold. This is where he adopted the mindset that he was a failure if he didn't get something right on the first try. As he eased into his teenage years, he found himself spending his time alone and away from his family more and more often. Lirael immersed himself in books, both fiction and nonfiction, and began to nurture a love for magic. Unfortunately, it didn't come naturally to him, but he figured that with practice, he'd get better.

When Lirael turned 18, he further distanced himself from his parents. He was frustrated with being at home, at his lack of real-world skills, and most of all, his parents' expectations of him. They told him he could do whatever he wanted, so long as he was happy, but with each month they hinted more and more at the prospect of joining the merchant business. One night, as they brought it up again, he exploded at them and ran off with his things. He instantly regretted yelling at them, as he knew they truly cared about him, but he stood by his decision to leave. It was getting to be too much to be around them.

He still hangs around Ivecaster, avoiding the areas that he knows his family frequents. 


● He lost sight in his right eye after a spell gone wrong. Thankfully, he didn't lose more than that.

● Lirael has taught himself how to wield a pocket knife, since he's now just roaming the city alone.

profile html by Hukiolukio