


4 years, 2 months ago


Name:Adrian "Telly" Grove (goes by "Telly" these days)

Species: Nightmareling (a Nightmare Born demon)

Age: unknown (over 100 years)

Height: 9 and a half feet tall

Weight: 375 pounds (all muscle!)

Likes: Kids (he's surprisingly good with them), calm settings, time with his girlfriend, sunsets, dark chocolate, his friends/allies, sparring

Dislikes: idiots, Edwin almost getting them both killed during their travels, getting his screen broken, being completely alone, dead silence, loud mouths, senseless violence.

Personality: He's a bit rough around the edges and can seem pretty intimidating but gain his trust and he's extremely loyal and someone you can count on to have your back when you need him. He also tends to be a bit short tempered and impatient at times but he's a good guy. And as mentioned he loves kids and is pretty good with them. And Though he doesn't show it much he does enjoy Edwin's company when traveling (when they aren't running for their lives for one reason or another). In short: he's a grump with a heart of gold.

Shadow Manipulation

--Rapid healing-If his body sustains injury it'll quickly heal. Though the amount of time it takes will vary in the severity of the injury. [A bit of scratch would heal in seconds or minutes depending on how deep it goes while, say,losing a chunk out of his arm or leg could take between hours or days without the aid of a healing spell.]

--Has a very high pain tolerance thanks to getting hit and caught in various temple traps. Unless it's an especially devastating injury, Telly can tune out the pain and keep going.

--Surprisingly quick and agile for his size, again, that goes back to the traps thing. Thanks to visiting ancient temples and dealing with traps and the like, Telly has honed his reflexes so he can dodge like someone half his size f need be.

--Night Vision- can see in virtually pitch black darkness.

 --Can "Dismiss" his body and leave his head to hide in plain sight as an old tv set.

--He's also got massive strength and endurance. Able to flip a semi with one hand if he wanted to.


--Thanks to pulling Edwin outta harm's way on multiple occasions, Telly has developed a high pain tolerance and quick reflexes.

 --he's a fast healer so even in a fight if he sustains minor injuries they heal in nothing flat and more serious ones would probably be healed by the time the fight ends. Even if Telly loses a limb his dark energies would either reattach the limb or have it regrow (depending on whether or not said limb was salvaged/salvageable)

--He can see in pitch black darkness. Perfect for situations when nobody has a working flashlight.


-- sometimes his large frame can be more of a liability than an asset. In certain places maneuvering can range from awkward to nearly impossible.

-- Bright Lights can weaken or cancel out his shadow manipulation ability and sudden bright flashes can blind him if he's not expecting it.

-- his biggest weakness, physically, is his TV head. His body can rapidly heal and regrow lost parts but his head takes longer to heal and if destroyed then it's 'Bye Bye Telly'.

-- if he gets too tired or injured when he 'Dismisses' his body, Telly will be stuck as a TV until his strength recovers. He's still able to talk and is aware of what's going on around him but that's pretty much it.

-- If he's alone and it's dead silent he gets a bit anxious and agitated but will relax if he comes across someone so yeah. Telly HATES being alone..

His backstory:

born from the Nightmares from an unknown individual, he was called 'Adrien Grove' by the Spicer family, nobles of a British community and employed as a guard. He helped watch over the young daughter of the nobles, Margaret, and fell in love. He served loyally until one day he was framed for murdering Margaret. Adrian had lost track of her during a stroll to the park and heard her screams. He ran to her only to arrive too late. He arrived in time to see Margaret dead and the murderer escape while Adrian was left with the blame and the guilt he couldn't save his first love. The city, unsure of how to play him, sealed away for over 100 years in an ancient temple in the hopes he'd never be found again. Telly has long since forgotten his original name. He was chained deep inside until Edwin Stevenson came along and let him loose. Though shortly after he fled to try to make sense of how the world changed. Though at some point he found himself in a small town late at night. When he heard someone coming his way, he panicked for fear of being locked away again and his body was still weak from his long imprisonment to fight so he found some garbage cans and other junk and tried to hide by dismissing his body, leaving only his head so he just looked like an antique TV. He was found by a junk collector and taken to a pawnshop where he was cleaned up, screws tightened and everything. He was given to a young girl named Zoe (Thy-Mixas' oc) and he took a liking to the girl. Before long he even started talking to her. They were good friends until something happened that forced them to part ways. Shortly after that he moved on, met up with Edwin again and started travelling with the ShadeStone. And a while after that,they met their human ally, Lerra (also Thy-Mixas' oc). [And Telly has developed feelings for Lerra, though he might not have confessed to the girl yet.]. During a trip to where he came from with Edwin and Lerra, Telly saw the murderer again, this time he had attacked Lerra. However, this time Telly managed to help stop the bleeding and Edwin called an ambulance when he arrived on the scene. They saved their human companions but the events brought all Telly's lost memories back in one burst. He needed time to cope and support from his companions to get through it.

Side Notes

-He still prefers to go by "Telly", though if he trusts you enough, he might be willing to tell you his original name.someone

-he actually has a slight British accent, though it's most prevalent when he's calm and relaxed.

-for the most part, his body is actually made from tv static and solid shadows.

-even if his body is dismissed, Telly is still aware and can interact but to a very limited degree.

Other facts and tidbits