Autumn Breeze



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Autumn Breeze
Nickname(s): Autumn
Age: 17
Gender: Cis Mare
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Pegasus
Parents: Jacqueline Apple (Biological | Mom), Rainbow Dash (Biological | Momma)
Siblings: Golden Eye Apple (Younger Brother), Bright Wind (Younger Brother)
Other Family: Big Bertram/Betty Mac (Uncle/Aunt), Double Diamond (Uncle-in-Law), Night Glider (Aunt-in-Law), Funfetti Cannon Surprise (Uncle-in-Law), Sanguine Apple (Cousin), Cotton Candy Surprise (Cousin), Blossom Apple (Aunt)

Talent: Song and Poem Writing
Occupation: Professional Songwriter / Hobbyist Poet
Cutie Mark: Two pencils elastic-banded together over a book

Appearance: A compact Pegasus mare with a tan and off-white piebald coat. Her mane and short tail are wild and frizzy, her mane often wrangled back into a hair tie. Her mane and tail have an innermost orange stripe, a center yellow stripe, and an outermost red stripe. She has heterochromia with a red left eye and green right eye.
Personality: Autumn is a soft-spoken and kind mare, though don't mistake this for shyness. She has a beautiful singing voice and sings as a minor hobby, it brings her much joy. Despite loving singing, she much prefers working on the lyrics and having others sing them; seeing her work be performed gives her a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. Though she will to do her part during harvest with Applejack, she does not like working on the farm nor does she enjoy  flying with Rainbow. Instead, Autumn enjoys sharing poetry with Applejack who has become an accomplished poet herself and knitting with Rainbow who, begrudgingly, admits that she loves it. 

Backstory: The first-born child of Jacqueline Apple and Rainbow Dash, there was definitely a pressure placed upon her wings and hooves from the get-go. Don't be mistaken, her mothers adored this little ball of fluff and maybe even overbearingly loved her, however there was some mistakes the first time mothers made. As soon as Autumn started walking, Applejack was thrilled to have another set of hooves to share her passion of the farm with. As soon as Autumn started hovering, Rainbow was thrilled to have a little flier to coach just like her parents did for her. They agreed that they didn't want to pressure her into anything, instead wanting her to choose, but this instead caused a competition between Applejack and Rainbow that Autumn was then caught in between at the age of 9. She was afraid of hurting ones feelings she was running herself into the ground, and her parents were unaware as Autumn kept it bottled up; they just figured she was trying both out of her own interest! However, after a year and a half after this, Autumn's grades started dropping and she had a nervous breakdown, coming to her moms sobbing and apologizing. The two felt awful. They apologized profusely to Autumn, explaining that they thought she was doing this out of her own interest but they should have been more attentive to her needs. Autumn was in therapy for around 2 years after this to work through her general anxiety, and though she still suffers from minor anxiety she copes much better.

Her mothers also made more of an attempt to connect with Autumn with things that she likes. Autumn enjoyed reading and brainstorming poems with Applejack while working in the field, so Applejack sets aside a time each week to work poetry with Autumn and has actually become a quite accomplished hobbyist poet herself. Rainbow had NO idea what to do with Autumn, and Autumn recommended knitting because you can't get competitive while knitting, right?. Wrong. It actually helps bring out Autumn's competitive spirit and boosted her confidence in herself; she and Rainbow spend time knitting together and jokingly challenging each other to knitting contests. These contests have also helped Rainbow become more patient as the end result of the competition may take a couple weeks to finish! 

Of course, Autumn also has her beloved younger brothers, Golden Eye Apple and Bright Wind. Applegold was adopted when Autumn was 5 and he was 4, and it was big sister love at first site. Autumn loved to dote on her little brother and ascended forbid anyone dare look at him wrong. However, Autumn was surprisingly his biggest antagonist too; she knew what pushed his buttons and she pushed them well. They were in this intense swing back from loving each other and hoof-fighting in the living room up until Autumn was 13 and Applegold was 12. They also entrusted each other with everything, and Applegold was actually the one that helped Autumn go to their moms about her feeling overwhelmed. They're still quite close and share pretty much everything with each other. Bright Wind was born when Autumn was 3 and, honestly, Autumn hated him at first for taking away attention. Babies need attention, go figure. Growing up, Autumn always felt like she was nagging Windy and sometimes feels like he's more than a little bit of a brat. She feels like a third mother to him when she's getting on him about doing homework, or helping with the harvest, or cleaning his room. Their moms never expect Autumn to do this, but it honestly frustrated her. She also loves Windy immensely, since he is her little brother, and enjoys going on leisurely glides with him when he's not in a mood. Teenagers! Autumn could swear she was never this bad... maybe.