Static Striders



4 years, 5 months ago


Static striders are large lanky cainid-like creatures from singularity.  They get their namesake by their means of communication through radio waves and satellite. Voices through radio and images and video through TVs. 

Origin: Static Striders originate from a post apocalyptic dimension known as singularity. The two oldest are 404 and Lady Amaryllis these two claim to be brought to life by a child demigod who wanted protection during a nuclear war. 404 and Amaryllis hate each other with a dire passion. However they are evenly matched and could not beat the other if they tried so they are in a constant Cold War for the last 46 years. Each year they get survivors find a way to extract their souls and stuff it into an empty Static Strider husk bringing the creature to life with no memories of who they once where They  took over a small town and renamed it the stitched where they both create new static striders for their armies today. However singularity is a very glitchy place s and interdimensional rifts open up bringing these creatures theoretically anywhere in the multiverse. 


height anywhere from 12ft-18ft

average weight 200-700 pounds

Color: they can be any colors but tend to be dirty muted colors as washing is quite difficult. 

It's extremely rare to find a Static Strider that is monochromatic as they are seen as mistake by the factory that makes them and thrown out of the city as soon as they are created. 

grey scale/black and white static striders are also quite rare as these colors are not seen as desirable by 404 or Amaryllis. 

Extra design notes: 

all static striders have patches on the top of their muzzle, the back of their head and on their chest. These are put in at the factory as they are commonly damaged places and the patches allow them to fix themselves more efficiently. 

They also all have stiches going down their sides to open their stomach mouths as a defense mechanism. 

their faces always look like a borzoi dog breed 

extra insect limbs are possible just rare an seen as a mistake like monochrome or grey scale

most static striders have very poor eye sight(some are completely blind only able to distinguish light from shadow) however they can hear very well and move around using echolocation. They use an odd clicking noise. Static striders can only make this noise on their own (not using a radio/tv) 

Diet: static striders are carnivores. They have an odd preference for freshwater fish but they have also been seen eating snakes and even alligators. 

Behavior: despite living in a city static striders are notoriously solitary. They mainly imprint on one other creature (usually not a static strider). Besides this individual they heavily prefer not to talk to anyone else. Many static striders fill their rooms with tube TVs and old radios as a way to communicate and because it feels like home. Many also have a strong aversion to the sun as their eyes cant take the bright lights (their pupil is quite large and cannot shrink). Don't let their frail antisocial appearance fool you these are highly cunning creatures and very curious. Beings who live with a static strider will commonly come home to appliances take apart with parts askew with a homemade radio or anthor analog device sitting on the table.