Jiyoo's Comments

Hey there ^^ I really like cooper and I was wondering if I could offer a voucher/three way trade! 

I have lots of experience with vouchers and how to handle them, just name a price range and we can talk it out if you're interested!

Highly considering your offer! Just letting you know that it might take me a while to choose an offer for him TwT But I am very interested in vouchers!

Yeah no problem! Take your time, If you ever do decide that you'd like the voucher though just shoot me a dm and we can go over the details ^^

To be honest, I am thinking of closing with your offer, so far no other interesting offer has appeared to me .. I would just like to know what would be a value that would be fine for you for the voucher :0

I could do just about anything, depending on the worth of this character ^^ Im not sure what that would be though, so to start off I could do around 100-150, but please let me know what you think!

Oh gosh, It's sounds great! Can I pm you?

3 Replies