Asōgi Seki



4 years, 1 month ago


Asōgi Seki

Asōgi Seki
NameAsōgi Seki
Name MeaningA word denoting the rather large number of 10^56(linking to how many possibilities there are) - from Chinese origin
Surname MeaningFrontier Pass
Romantic OrientationDemiromantic - Straight
Height5'5" / 165cm
Weight120lbs / 51kg
Hair ColorRed
Eye ColorBrown
Blood TypeB+
Birthday8th of March
Astrological SignPisces
Theme Color#BD1804
Professional Status
TalentUltimate Programmer
AffiliationHope's Peak Academy
RoleplayBurn Our World Down
Danganronpa: Deadly Expedition
Voice Claims
Voice ClaimLinhardt(FE3H)

"Asoseki. That’s what people call me - even when they learn my real name. What I do for living is rather obvious: I program AIs, games, programs and even machines. That’s it really - nothing big or extravagant; no, really."
―Asōgi Seki

Little is known about the programmer prodigy called Asōgi Seki; his name was first seen in an article about him being scouted as the ‘Ultimate Programmer’, in Osaka, and whoever would google that name at the time would find absolutely no info on him. However, he didn’t allow anyone to doubt his talent, as after just a month of his scouting, he released complicated codes for the public to use for cyber-defence. His first year was a rather eventful one, as he kept releasing codes and be credited for them in various games and programs…

...and that was the last people saw of him, as around the year of 2056, he disappeared once again. No new codes were released and no one credited him for any new works… It was as if he never existed…

He returned once again in 2057, June, with new programs and yet… And yet his most dedicated fans could notice a difference in his style, and the lack of his spark - but even then, they couldn’t argue that he was still worthy of his title.


Opening the file with his body code, one could read that he’s a short male of 5’5” with a skinny body of what you would expect from someone of his talent and lifestyle; with the pale skin of #FAE8D9, behind his rectangular glasses one could see his brown eyes that were surprisingly not programmed now to reflect the shine that he was known for at the beginning of his programming career. What brings attention to him however is how much lines of code were put into his ‘wack’ hair - which brings attention with how brightly coloured - the colour in question being red - it is and if it’s even natural(as there were no programmer notes on the side if it is dyed or not). Another thing that brings attention is the hairstyle which he programmed in for himself, which is theorized to bear most of his known weight due to how much hair gel you would need to keep his three spikes up and one on the side. Behind the spikes, however, his hair is mostly roughed up and standing on the sides.

Now, finally booting up the files that keep his usual attire safe, one could notice that it isn’t as flashy as his cacti-like hair. The coded attire consists of a green and pink, striped tank top(in the notes section it specifies that it has three green stripes and two pink ones, all in uniform sizes). One layer up, there’s his signature black-and-white hoodie that swaps between the two colours constantly, with his right sleeve being rolled up as it ended with a red, club leader armband that spells out ‘あそせき’, which means ‘Asoseki’ which in return is his well-known alias on the internet; on the very same arm, he wears a black smartwatch which looks much different to your normal one as it has an entry for multiple USBs, a jack for earphones - which is constantly occupied by the earphones that he has in his ears - and other modifiers that he himself had added.

The rest of the files are about his trousers and shoes are really lacking in the detail simply due to him wearing nothing extravagant in those regards, as upon reading you can just see that he wears black sweatpants and trainers.


Little is saved in the database about if the famous Asōgi’s personality was ever rewired or reprogrammed, however, what is known is that at the very moment he is very analytical due to the contact with computer algorithms and codes. This often makes him sceptical and harder to persuade toward concepts such as spirit mediums or real magic. It is also known that he’s observant, and even without his glasses, he can spot details and use his computer thinking in order to figure out what it specifically was.

Another file describes his tendencies to be more cold and distant - and yet still polite - to people that he shares no connections with, and only becomes slightly friendlier when meeting with his fans on conventions and the like. People that met him on one or more occasions often posted how he seems to be ‘more approachable on the internet rather than in person’, however a lot of people just suggest that this is due to him being an introvert and not liking big crowds. However, there’s a small note underneath the file that says that if the ice is broken, conversations with Asōgi can be either insightful or entertaining, as he is known to be an ‘occasional memer’.

The last available to the public file just highlights how confident and creative Asōgi is in his talent and whatever else he considers his strengths as. With his creativity and skills allowing him to program in nearly every field - ranging from programs being written for small establishments to games and even anti-piracy software - Asōgi takes great pride in whatever work he might release. He’s confident so much that he’s willing to bet his life that his code wasn’t at fault - few links were provided here to such instances, when internet trolls tried to put his skills into doubt, only to be utterly crushed by Asōgi…

...however with so much corrupt and password-locked data, can his fans be sure this is it?

Creation Origins

He was one of the OCs I drew on a math class, and with it being so long ago I don't remember the proper origins - I can't even tell you where his atrocious hair came from, because not even I know. Either way, at the time I was studying Computer Science as a GCSE and I wanted to create an OC that owuld share my passion(and my inability to socialize with people my age l o l) - and so, Asōgi was born.

Nothing much really changed as he exsited - his concept was always the same, with a few things being added to make it flow better. As of now, I want to re-apply him, as his runs weren't the best, and I miss my spiky boy. For how expressive-less he is, he is fun to roleplay with his trolly personality.

Roleplay Experiences

Burn Our World Down

The roleplay has died inthe prologue, so Asōgi didn't get to do anything worthwile in that roleplay.

Danganronpa: Deadly Expedition

Asōgi's run started off with him being on a plance - something he is utterly scared of. Later on, he met with a few people and grew close to Nara and grew to despise Kalos. However, he didn't have time to meet everyone or develop meaningful relationships due to him dying in chapter 1 to an inactive killer. Since then, he simply sat in afterlife and didn't do anything else.



Yoshi Hideoki

Asōgi's partner before he got his talent; he is rather aloof and rude at times, but Asōgi knows that he is a softie on the inside. The two of them often play games together when they are not working, and even go to see Yoshi's sister's concerts! He is also the voice of reason in their little trio, as Asōgi just goes with whatever and Ela is a source of chaos.


Ela Kern

A programer that Akasuki called in order to help Asōgi with social life at the academy. Being the next heir to her dad's company, Ela is an energetic and vulgar girl and had probably done some minor illegal things but is overall a decent person to be around. She hates being bored, and will always force Yoshi and Asōgi to do something with her.


Fiyu Chimo

A girl that he saved from her bullies. Fiyu ais a cheerful and peppy girl, who immediatelly attached herself to Asōgi after him helping her. Innitially, Asōgi was rather annoyed by her pestering, but soon grew rather attached to her. Due to her occupation, she's in poor health, but she always smiles when he's around, often asking him to teach her more about games and what he does.


  • Asōgi's name was inspired by characters Asōgi Kazuma and Naoya Seki;
  • He owns a Himalayan Cat called Yuka;
  • His hair makes no sense and most people asked me how it works like - I don't know myself.

Profile by Erandia
Fruits Basket OC Version by @MissMaryGrace