


4 years, 1 month ago




Name Akai
Called Just call him Akai
Age Pretty old
Gender Male
Species Omnia
Powers Luck absorption
Alignment True Neutral


  • Abrasive and standoffish
  • Very skittish, bordering on shy
  • Really likes to laze around


  • Naps
  • Raspberries
  • Earscratches

An Omnia who really values his personal space and would rather just hang on a tree branch, yawning the day away. Unfortunately even in modern times still, he's revered as a legendary bringer of fortune, so wherever he goes, if he gets seen, he will be bothered. It's not like he'll ever do something about it... but it sure is irritating.


Akai is an extremely skittish creature who can only be befriended by the most patient of people. Aloof and generally abrasive, while only rarely shouting he definitely doesn't pass up an opportunity to cuss out someone who's annoyed him one too many times. He won't ever harm anyone, not even when cornered (he doesn't need to either: he's much stronger than most living creatures), so he could technically be called a pacifist, just a perpetually grumpy and crass one. Underneath he is a very scared person who doesn't ever know who to trust, so it's always up to others to put in the work to reach out to him. And while that may sound difficult at first, you'll find that he's too much of a softie to resist bribes, much like a cat getting offered food. Bring some raspberries with you and you'll soon make a friend... maybe.


Born in ancient times as the living coalescence of mankinds wish for good fortune during a period of great famine and ruin, Akai initially spent many years forming a consciousness, confused and susceptible. Much of what happened during this time is fuzzy in his head, and he'd rather not remember at all, as he's pretty sure nothing good happened. He's only really sure of one thing: it may have been a weird, if peaceful existence at first, but only until Kuro arrived. Akai doesn't want to think about anything else that came after that: he'll just tell you that he doesn't like eating meat anymore, and also that Kuro is an asshole and he doesn't want to see him ever again. One thing he's willing to remember is how he used to innocently grant good fortune or bad fortune to anyone that asked, too young and too childlike to understand the consequences and how he should've been more careful. As a result, even now he is revered as a legendary creature said to bring good luck, something that causes him endless headaches whenever someone savvy enough meets him and recognizes him. The worst is probably the saying that goes "if you put a hand on the lucky oni's chest, right on his encircled heart, you'll be blessed with good fortune for life." He started wearing bandages to cover his chest markings for this exact reason, hoping to avoid having people harass him to touch his boobs.


Akai is an omnia who's powers are based on the concept of good fortune and bad fortune. In simple terms, he is a living machine that can convert fortune between good and bad, as well as dish it out in various ways. He generally cannot simply turn this state off, so he's always emanating fortune, one way or another. One basic rule of it is that after exhuding too much of one type of fortune, he must discharge the same amount of the other type. Generally the fortune is somewhat of an aura that permeates him and becomes additional to his actions, such as blessing those he cares about with good fortune during gestures of affection, or cursing others he shuns with bad fortune as he tells them off. He can also do it in a more straightforward fashion, directly stating that he's either blessing or cursing someone. These kinds of blessings and curses are much more powerful and last a much longer time, but they take a lot out of him, so he'd rather not use them.


  • Has a bad case of "resource guarding" with people he loves;
  • His body temperature is either a comforting warmth or a pleasant freshness, depending on outside conditions;
  • His fur is always soft, pleasant to the touch and has a good smell to it, no matter how dirty it gets. Whatever visible dirtying it has, it is gone the moment you're not looking, and the same applies to his mane (but tenfold);
  • He has a distinct smell of fresh mint that never goes away from him but isn't overbearing either (unless he licks you a lot);
  • His purring is loud, the vibrations working like the best massaging chair you'll ever experience in your life, and the sound is also somehow very soothing despite the volume, which is highest in his chest;
  • His heartbeat is thundering but very, very slow, about 20bpm, and it takes a lot to make it go even slightly faster, which means it's always calm and strangely soothing to listen to;
  • If he wraps himself around you he somehow always gets his position just right so both you and him are comfortable, even when he shouldn't possibly be able to do that;



Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.