


4 years, 1 month ago



Name Urchin
Called Urchin
Age 19
Gender Female
Race Seawing
Role Guard
Alignment NG
Theme Say So

Urchin can come across as mean and cold, but this is only because she’s so focused on her job. She’s very smart and alert, and some dragons wonder why she’s not the general of the Seawing army. Mess with her, you’re in deep water. 


  • Sparring
  • Pearls
  • Shells
  • Beaches


  • Mudwings
  • Fire
  • Magic
  • Sleep


Urchin has grown to become one of the most disciplined, and most respected dragon in all of the Seawing kingdom. She’d sacrifice her own life to protect the queen and her daughter, the princess, Cordelia. She likes to pretend that she has no feelings, but deep down she still struggles with the PTSD of the attack, every day. 


Urchin is one of the Royal Guards in charge of protecting the Seawing Queen. Born a member of the royal family but having decided to help take care of her mother instead, Urchin is known to be one of the most selfless Seawings in Pyrriha. When she was six, she discovered that she was an animus when a great big Mudwing tried to assassinate the queen, and in her panic, she instinctively grabbed a spear and drove it through his chest. But as soon as he collapsed, she realized her talons had never touched the weapon. She ran to tell her mother what happened, but she wasn't surprised; Queen Anenome was an animus herself. Urchin vowed to only use her powers when she absolutely had to, like when her own life or the Queen's was in danger. When she returned to guard the door once again, it seemed that the Mudwing had gotten away, and that the spear-wound had been nonfatal. Urchin knew she’d have to be alert from then on.

Now, a full seven years later, Urchin is a brave, fierce warrior who will do anything for the good of her kingdom. Spending her free time going for a swim in beautiful, clear waters of the ocean, taking naps on the beach, collecting seashells and making flowercrowns. Even though she's a really tough palace guard, she's a softie on the inside and is very kind and gentle. She loves making new friends, and enjoys meeting dragons of all different species. 

Working with the queen

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Urchin  [ Friend ]

Urchin is one of Adder’s best friends outside his own tribe. He met the Seawing princess one day on an expedition and the two of them just clicked. They often spend time together when she isn’t busy and he isn’t exploring other kingdoms. He truly enjoys her company and would do pretty much anything for her. 


Andromeda  [ Friend ]

On an expedition to collect some new scrolls from the Nightwings, Adder met a young Nightwing/Rainwing hybrid named Andromeda. She was really sweet and helped him find everything he needed. They became good friends, and visit each other every moon!


Mercedeze  [ Roommate ]

Harley believes that everyone you meet is a part of your life for a reason, and that Mercedeze’s purpose is to drive her absolutely nuts some days, and help her laugh through her tears others. Mercedeze can be a little irritating to Harley at times, but she’s a good roommate and a great friend. Harley could never hold that against her. 

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