Snap Duilio



4 years, 2 months ago


Snap Rodrigo Duilio

Born: 1920

Age: 62

Height: 5'0

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

The Father of Rush and Slip Duilio, and 'uncle' to Digger and Dozer. He brought Chester into his family after his escape to Washington.

Born four years before their family was attacked and nearly driven extinct by the Sciacca family, Snap has a deep seated hatred for them and has made it his life goal to inflict the same kind of fear and hurt onto said family. His family moved to the US in an attempt to escape the Sciaccas and were greeted by the Diodatos who quickly took them under their wings. Snap and Rich were pretty close, and would commonly mock one another in a friendly manner. Their families considered each other friendly rivals, but when the Drakis turned on the Diodatos their families became a bit cold to one another. This was healed by Rosa and Slip becoming friends in High School.

Snap is eccentric, charming, and very polite. He grew close with Ferdinand and Tori as well as Rich and Sterling being closer in age to Ferdi and Tori. He's steadfast in his goals and will not hesitate to state when he thinks a plan is flawed, or an idea is just flat out stupid. He will not, however, do so if he doesn't have any better ideas.

Sanp treats Rosa and Alex more like family than he does family friends.

Like all members of the Duilio family, he has an odd affinity for "trash animals" such as raccoons, possums, skunks, and weasels. Though that doesn't stop him from rescuing Popcorn the bearcat, or adopting the newborn Xerxes (the erythristic jaguar) and raising him up in his own greenhouse jungle..