gaster (glaive)



4 years, 1 month ago



  • undertale
  • 8'3"
  • 864 years old
  • attacks: swords and glaives

  • Glaive was an interrogator and intelligence officer in the war
  • Before that he grew up around skeletons
  •  He was intimidating even to most of the soldiers, but became friends with grillby and a young female skeleton named calbri
    • Calbri was pregnant during the war and gave birth in the camp?
      • Gave birth to papyrus?
    • Her and gaster had developed a close friendship even before the boys’ birth 
    • There was a physical relationship, but the romantic side is something glaive still questions if it would have happened if circumstances were different
  • He helped with the boys when he could, calbri even finding the little scamps in his bath sometimes
  • Glaive gave up his voice, volunteering for experimental surgeries, to prevent the humans from getting information from him if he were to get captured, learning hands to communicate
  • It didn’t keep him down long, though the war didn’t last much longer
  • Calbri also survived the war, though fell down from hopelessness not long after, even after monsterkind settled
  • Glaive had become royal scientist, but took in the boys aswell
  • The one thing that glaive regrets about giving up his voice, is that he was never able to sing or read to the boys 
  • With grillby’s help, he was able to cook for the boys better
  • Fall
  • Glaive is saved post-pacifist, though the boys don’t remember him
  • He lives with sans and papyrus, doing chores while hes stuck with nothing else, and dealing with not being remembered, atop other baggage he has from the void
  • Sans and the king and queen start having dreams of forgotten memories as they slowly come back