πŸ¦€πŸ™ Talia



7 years, 5 months ago


Name Talia
Nickname(s) [N/A]
Age Tater Tot (~3)
Gender Trans Boy
Pronouns he/him
Orientation ???
Occupation Pirate in Training
Height ~3 cm
Theme [song]

Species Mothkitten
Masterlist #396
Inventory Link
Art Fight Profile

Antenna Swirly
Ears Classic
Mane ???
Wings Classic
Tail ???
Eyes ???
Misc [N/A]
Other [N/A]

Junior Member of the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Red Coursers

🎢 / 🎢 

Personality: Messy, Playful, Creative, Curious, Extroverted, Whiny

Likes: Arts and Crafts, Seaweed, Slime, Bright Colors, Water, Mud Fights

Dislikes: Being Clean, Being Alone

Design Notes:

  • Small and chubby
  • Toe beans, tongue, and inner ears are all the same light orange
  • Nose is dark red like his wing tips

Character Notes:

  • He's not really a troublemaker by nature, but seems to attract troublemaking friends due to his penchant for making GIANT MESSES.
  • He JUST recently came out as trans after his big cousin came out as trans
  • He doesn't actually know all that much about seaweed from a scientific standpoint (on account of... he is baby), but he thinks it's cool and slimy and smelly and loves to touch it and throw it at folks.
  • He loves any and all arts and crafts, but he's especially fond of finger painting and anything involving glue or glitter. Basically, the messier the better.
  • He likes to put glue all over his paw pads and then peel it off when it dries.
  • He loves playing in water, but he HATES baths. Gross water only! Bonus points for mud or large quantities of rotting plant matter.
  • His moms are both pirates, but Talia has very little interest in pirate shenanigans. He does love his moms, their crew, and the ocean, though!
  • He is uncomfy when we are not about him! After all, what fun are one-cat mud fights and art you can't share? Ignoring Talia is a good way to get slimy things thrown at you to get your attention.