Taffy Urbiner



4 years, 25 days ago




5 foot 7 inches
156 pounds
Spouseundine urbiner
Birthday/Zodiacseptember 27 (libra)


candles. cloud watching. cooking. baking. pearls. rain. bath bombs. fine wines. mirrors. jewelry. perfume. flowers. tea. 


clowns. being disheveled. high places. staying up late. garish patterns. animals. oversized clothes. breaking things. 


 A curvy young woman with pale skin, heavily wavy white hair, and blue-green eyes. She has no tattoos, but her ears are pierced & she often wears simple pearl earrings. 

ST - A1 / HS - HW / HC - 17 / EC - F2 / nonbender


easily one of the sweetest people you will ever met, she exudes a glow that draws others in to her. most of the time she is a very agreeable person, the type who hardly ever rocks the boat. the type of person to fully exemplify grace, elegance, and femininity; all of the "classic" traits of a "traditional" woman. she is gifted in her charming and persuasive nature that can finesse others without appearing to manipulate them. one of the most important things to taffy is that there is peace/harmony in all of her relationships, not just with her but also with one another. 


taffy can't remember her life before her best friend drusilla was in it; drusilla is much older than taffy is, with some of taffy's earliest childhood memories being of a teenage drusilla babysitting her while her parents were out. growing up, drusilla was always there to protect her and take care of her; including the night that taffy's parents, and everyone else in the village, were not just killed but completely wiped out without a trace. taffy was the sole survivor, but she didn't understand until years later what had actually happened; a small group of bloodbenders had been living among their village; drusilla's parents being among them, which is why she knew when the attack was going to happen, allowing her to get taffy out in time. they pretty much traveled to various cities in the different kingdoms over the next few years, taking care of each other as orphans. 

about two years ago, during their travels the pair came across an injured woman, a petite waterbender named undine. she was independent and did not want their help, something she told them repeatedly with her feisty, sassy comments. but despite drusilla wanting to leave her, taffy felt a connection with the girl, and refused to allow her to just lay in the forest and die; she had broken a leg running from an angry eel-hound whose baby she had accidently stepped on. taffy refused to let undine travel alone until her leg healed properly, and by the time that happened, undine had already become pretty invested into a relationship with taffy. undine gifted taffy her engagement necklace a year ago, and the couple were wed about a month before coming to live at the temple. 

currently married to a waterbender but whose best friend is a vampire so she's constantly torn between helping her bestie/lying to her spouse and refusing to help her bestie/pretending everything is fine to her spouse.

HTML Profile by Coywolfy