Amaterasu Kaisui



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Amaterasu Kaisui 天照海水
Birthday August 7
Age Around 8,000 (Appears 30) / Immortal
Gender Female
Race Celestial Fire Dragon
Height 183 cm / 6 ft
Occupation Water King's Consort
Theme Song link

Very fiesty fiery dragon, strong withstanding any male's pathetic behaviors, but wields a very loving heart to her family. She treasures her hubby Ryuujin, their precious son Kamenosuke, and their adorable little granddaughter Miyuki.


Tribal Dancing using her Staff

Dragon Sake, Spicy Foods

Festivals with Lovely Decor

Cherry Blossoms



Humans Harming her Children

Netherworld Demons




Amaterasu was one of the later generations of fire dragons born with the fiery palette of red hair, tanned skin, and golden eyes. She lived on the volcanic island working as the warrior tribal dancer. She met Ryūjin around 8,000 years ago who immediately fell in love with her. The fiesty female denied his many confessions and fought away his perverted flirtatious actions. After constant, neverending persistency did she warm up to courting him and discovered the love he truly had for her. Marrying Ryūjin under the angelic thunderbird Raicho, she received the heavenly blessing changing her palette to the golden blonde hair, pale skin, and fiery red eyes. They had their first son Kamenosuke, the first and only rarest rainbow dragon breed, then they've had more children after him who were dominantly water. Over the years, all their children besides their first eldest son were killed by the humans, demons, and leviathans. Nearing the modern age, they stopped having children and put their focus aiding Kūrei with his magical academy and providing support for their son and granddaughter.

Magical Abilities

Her main element would be fire, and her secondary would be the heavenly light. She can shapeshift between her dragon and human forms and can freely summon forth her fire magic at will shooting projectiles, releasing jet streams, or forming a trident on a long staff during her martial arts combat. Her light magic is like the ray of sunlight, projecting holograms or generating heat. Her celestial vision could see all sorts of colorful souls, spirit lines, auras, and floating particles.





[ Son ]

Loving, gentlemanly son oftenly groomed by his mother to look more proper and handsome. She treasures him wholeheartedly giving him lots of motherly love and assists watching over his daughter Miyuki whenever he has to venture forth his dangerous work.



[ Husband ]

Brutally strong, joyfully playful, and pervertedly masochistic with a large heart, the water dragon king treasures his entire family, loves travelling all over the globe partying and enjoys pestering embarrassing nearly everyone he meets to the point to enter a fun, thrilling fight. Whenever crossing over the line, Amaterasu ruthlessly punishes him and gives him a good scorning.



[ Granddaughter ]

Whenever seen around her grandmother Amaterasu, adorable little princess Miyuki oftenly plays dressups with her, styles each other's hair and be creative within the arts and crafts.



[ Tribal Leader ]

Throughout Amaterasu's youth, she respected Kamŭk as her leader while he was first ranking the top General of their tribe then he became promoted to ruling as the Fire King. After Amaterasu's marriage with the Water King, she was promoted to Consort of Water. Kamŭk and Amaterasu treat each other equally respecfully and share each other's wisdoms.

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