


4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Xenon

Nickname: Xe
(pronounced 'zee')

Sex: Female

Age: ??? (Ghost)

Xenon is a the ghost of a pony situated in the ancient kingdom of Somniar (which is eventually fallen and whittled down to the town of Somnambula in present Equestria). She is a ghost, and a wandering spirit/soul trapped in the earthly realm, and she resides in a pyramid filled with winding mazes and crypts near the end of the Neighal River, to which a gate to the Underworld is situated in it's very base. The souls of creatures are sent and kept, as well as imprisoned in some cases (The Underworld is either believed to be it's own separate plane of existence, or a section of Tartarus), and this Gate, as well as the pyramid it is in- is owned and Guarded by Apephi, the snake-pony Deity.

A few decades or so into Apephi guarding of the Underworld gate, there appeared something rather strange in the mass of tunnels and mazes in the pyramid.... another pony, but not quite so- this was Xenon.

Out of literally nowhere there was a strange, ghostly little pony wandering the labyrinth aimlessly and saying nothing. Apephi watched this Stranger walk through the mazes for a few days, curious and confused how they kept moving, their hoofsteps on the floor not making a single sound, not seeming to breath, nor tire, nor need to eat or anything. They just kept wandering, endlessly.

Eventually Apephi decides she is done with the waiting and watching and coils the Stranger up in her tail, holding the strange ghostly pony hostage and pressing for answers on who they are, and why they have come, and how they even got in (Apephi has no clue, she doesn't remember this pony coming in through any of the entrances).

But the Stranger says little to none, and only just 'I am lost', and that is it. Apephi gets no real answers from her and it aggravates her to no end, so she decides fine- if this pony is gonna be here and not cooperate, then I will do what I will with her.

Apephi drafts the stranger as her new Servant and makes it clear she will not ever leave the Pyramid or get out of the job. The Stranger simply concedes to it, much to Apephi's surprise (she expected at least a little argument), so the Half-God simply huffs and names the Stranger- Xenon.

Xenon does all of the menial tasks, she does not complain, nor disobey- she is just compliant, and does as she is told (much to Apephi's exasperation at times). She is good at her job, and does a good job- but she is rather quiet, and wallowing, and it's generally no fun to watch her do anything... which again, much to Apephi's exasperation. 

As a ghost she does not need, nor have a need to sleep- when Apephi sleeps at night she simply wanders the pyramid, finishing her chores for the night, wandering until morning, and then getting a headstart on the next day's tasks. She is not bothered by the traps and such set up in the pyramid, and she does not set them off.

Apephi has an odd dependency on Xenon, where originally she only saw the ghost pony as a servent and a plaything- eventually she gets to the point where she can't function without her, and Apephi becomes quite possessive of Xenon as well. Apephi will not let anyone lay a finger on this little ghopst nor let her get taken away, ever. And she certainly won't let Xenon pass on unto the afterlife.... cruel maybe, but again- Apephi would not function without her little ghost pony around.


Worth/Price: $7.50USD/750Points