Equinox's Comments

Hi there, I'm a Sharkypup superfan and was very excited to come across a design that was up for offer. I really love Equinox and I would like to offer:

- Five shaded fullbodies

- Two custom designs

- Any two from here https://toyhou.se/kelpidog/characters/folder:1312414 or the "Easy"/"Normal" folders within it.

I know it says you feel tentative with her, so if there's any part of this offer I can improve or change that you'd prefer, please let me know. Like I said, I feel very strongly about this design, so if I can do anything to improve my offer I would be happy to accommodate!

Thank you for considering.

Do you think maybe her and Artemis could be friends? they both love astrology so they could just geek out about it all day https://toyhou.se/709480.artemis
