Rui Mashiro



7 years, 6 months ago




Friendly and personable, Rui is a person with her head up in the clouds, always dreaming and thinking up her next art piece. Always looking for the beauty in something Rui can sometimes seem out of touch. She is however, a brilliant artist, using paints as her medium. A lynx Kemonai, though she prefers to remain in a human appearance, she is also good with some martial arts due to having taken lessons as a child. She's generous and quick to trust, leaving her vulnerable to trickery. She's the ISFP personality type. Her powers as an oracle which rarely come into play effect her greatly and cause her to forget all the time she spends prophesying, she does not usually like it when this happens as her Prophecies are usually negative in nature, and she would prefer to paint positively. 


She has a human form which she chooses to remain in the majority of the time, and a lynx kemonai form which she takes the appearance on much less of the time. 

Rui's powers are a bit unstable, as she mostly stays in her human form she acts accordingly, though she does have a higher attunment to magic compared to humans. 

In her Kemonai form, she has enhanced hearing, strength, and speed, as well as stealth, she can move silently as if she were a ghost. 

Her strongest power is her most volatile power, which is the power of prophesy, though it rarely emerges, sometimes Rui will enter a trance-like state where she paints furiously until a prophesy is revealed. However, the results could be interpreted in many different ways, and often leaves her feeling much more stressed then she did in the first place about a situation. Rui does not control when this power activates, it happens at random and when it happens she seems to lose all sense of herself and her surroundings, simply starting to preform the actions of painting, regardless of whether or not she has materials nearby, therefore she requires somebody nearby to look out for her and ensure she has the materials she needs whenver this power activates.

