


7 years, 6 months ago



Then I realised someone's heaven

could be the source of my torment


Hell? Hell is empty... and all the demons are right here.

Key Information

Emotionless • Efficient • Unconventional

In the labyrinthine streets of existence, Lacrimosa walks, a figure of enigmatic neutrality amidst the ebb and flow of life's currents. Distanced politeness cloaks her true demeanour like a mourning veil, shielding the world from the tempest that churns within. She always treads with careful caution, though in spite of that, her detached manner will often read as rough rudeness to others. To those outsiders Lacrimosa remains an enigma, an inscrutable presence devoid of attachment or aversion. Her focus, unwavering and resolute, instead lies within the pursuit of her own aspirations, a singular path illuminated to the necromantess. Yet, beneath the veneer of detachment, sleeps a warmth reserved for the chosen few, her heart a sanctuary for those who have cracked its iron cage.

Upon first impression, Lacrimosa appears athletic and somewhat muscular. With straight locks like a black waterfall cascading from her head, accented by wavy magenta bangs framing her visage, she embodies a juxtaposition of darkness and sweetness. Her eyes’ irises, though usually hidden below the pink strands falling into her face, glow in a bright magenta which almost drowns out the turquoise slit pupils and greyish eye whites. Clad usually in the attire of her work as a grim reaper, she also finds comfort in wearing gothic fashion whenever she is free to do so.

Born of the ancient and venerable demon lineage known as the ‘Seraphim', Lacrimosa defies the predetermined notions of her kin. Cast from the eternal flames of hell which birthed her, she emerges into existence with no parents or siblings, destined to traverse the annals of time through cycles of rebirth. Her blood, a vivid hue of glowing turquoise, courses with otherworldly heat below her cold demeanour, a testament to her infernal heritage.

Name Lacrimosa Arai
Age 22
Gender Female
Sexuality Pansexual
Species Seraphim
Ethnicity Kingdom of Hell
Height 159 cm | 5'2"
Build Curvy
Hair Black | Magenta
Eyes Magenta | Turquoise
Occupation Necromantess
Alignment True Neutral


On sunny days I go out walking
I end up on a tree-lined street
I look up at the gaps of sunlight
I miss you more than anything
I don't need the world to see
that I've been the best I can be, but
I don't think I can stand to be
where you don't see me.


  • Athletic
  • Adaptable
  • Creative
  • Loyal
  • Efficient
  • Emotionless
  • Lawless
  • Distrusting
  • Introverted
  • Unconventional
  • Cross tattoos on cheeks
  • Grey eye-whites
  • Blood glows
  • Never takes her necklace off
  • Goth
  • Playing Guitar
  • Video Games
  • Baking
  • Exercising
  • Skulls & Taxidermy
  • Cheap Employers
  • Pants
  • Nosy people
  • Humans
  • White chocolate


Born anew countless times, Lacrimosa emerged from the crucible of hell's inferno into a world rife with adversity and peril. Bereft of kin and cast onto the unforgiving streets of the demon realm, she navigated the shadows of neglect and indifference, a solitary figure in a landscape devoid of compassion - a landscape which hungered for her very death for the sole sin of being born as she was.

A Seraphim.

Lacrimosa - who was barely a few years old at that point - managed to live off of the few people that took pity on her; all the while making sure to keep her eyes, and as such her true nature hidden. It was a cruel life, for such a young child especially, though Lacrimosa couldn't even imagine what it was like to live with more than a few meagre coins, swallowed by uncertainty of there even being more the next day.

From the crucible of hardship though, a beacon of kindness emerged in the form of Yuroki, a wanderer whose compassion pierced the veil of Lacrimosa's solitude. He took notice of the little Seraphim, as she did of him. He was a strange man, after all - young and solitary, with a guitar strapped on his back. She did not know whether it was out of pity, or perhaps another reason, yet he seemed to make up his mind very quickly to take her along on his pilgrimage.

It wasn't a particularly ideal environment for a child, but compared to the cold streets travelling with Yuroki felt like heaven to her. He bestowed upon her the name 'Lacrimosa', a moniker that echoed the melody of her existence, as up until that point she hadn't even been baptised, and he thought it very fitting for her. Rarely, though, he actually called her by her full name, and usually instead opted for the nickname ‘Lacie’. Yuroki made sure that the young Seraphim had anything she could ask for - whether it be food, clothes or shelter, even if it meant straying from his intended path here and there. In the evenings he sat with her around the campfire, teaching her how to play the guitar, how to speak in his native language and telling her of all the exciting things he'd seen and experienced. Though their journey was fraught with peril, Yuroki's love became a steadfast anchor in Lacrimosa’s tumultuous sea.
The pair travelled together for quite a few years, and slowly but surely Lacie was growing up - causing Yuroki to grow doubts, and the considerations of stopping his journey to give her a stable life increased with each passing day. As far as he was concerned Lacie was his daughter, and the years they'd spent together were more precious to him than any cause or goal he'd had at the beginning of his journey. If he had to, Yuro would give up on the whole world - just so that Lacie didn't lose hers.

Yet fate's cruel hand intervened, snuffing out Yuroki's tender flame and leaving Lacie adrift in a sea of sorrow. When, incidentally, soldiers discovered Lacie to be a Seraphim they didn't think for long - all Seraphim were to be eradicated upon sight, after all, and while Yuro managed to protect the young girl from the men, he didn't survive the incident either. Lacie was absolutely devastated and stayed by his side until he drew his very last breath - and as Yuro uttered his last words to her, every syllable was singed into her inner eye. His final words, a plea to her, echoed in the chambers of her soul, igniting a fervent resolve within her that burned far brighter even than the hellfire of her birth.

“I’m sorry, Lacie… I truly did want to give you the world... but I suppose even my love wasn’t enough to change your fate in the end.
What a cruel goddess she is.”

Despite the words being no more than the delirious muttering of a dying man Lacie caged them within herself as she wept, as they were to become her new purpose of living. Looking back on it she didn't know whether obsessively following such an impossible request had just been her only way of not dying with him right then and there, as she knew that he would have wanted her to live on. After burying him in a field of carnations and taking with her not much more than his guitar and last name, Lacie set out to make a future for herself that he would have been proud of.

With Yuroki's memory as her guiding star, Lacie embarked on a quest for redemption, enrolling in the hallowed halls of the Academy of Necromancy. Through years of arduous study and unwavering determination, she emerged as a proper Necromancer, a formidable wielder of the arcane arts. Nowadays she treads the path of devotion, her actions fueled by the echo of Yuroki's dying words, a testament to her unwavering resolve to his legacy - and, her entire life, a requiem to his existence.