


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Quick note

Emma was used as my go to 'trainer/rider' for a lot of ARPGs so she is depicted with a lot of different animals and species. Most I'd consider AUs and not connected to each other.


Name: Emma (No known last name)
Nickname(s): Em or M

Gender: Female

Age: Young Adult
Birthday: March 3

Species: Human
Current Job: Explorer/Rider/Tamer
Height: 5'5 or 165 cm
Weight: 110 lbs 135 with all her clothing!
Scars: She has one scar on her left shoulder that is covered by her armour.
Tattoos: ?Maybe?
Weapons: Uses a small hunting knife and trank darts

Personality: Emma is a quite but adventures traveler and never gives up. She can be described as self-controlled, honest, and observant. Emma prefers to think things over than to take unneeded risks. She is curious of things around her but she comes off aloof. Emma is nurturing in her own strange way with smiles and lots of affection but only if you are one of her animals. Due to past experiences she won't trust just anyone. Not very flirty/romantic. Emma has a hard time being social as she doesn't talk much and doesnt make much on an effort to make friends. She is not one to be the center of attention but when needed she is okay in a crowd as long as it's not all eyes on her.  She is also known to be very tolerant.

Quirks: She has a very strange accent when she does talk, most of her friends think english is not her main language.
She is punctual to a fault showing up atleast 15 minutes early to everything!
When she's thinking she often taps her mouth with her fingers.
Dis-likes: Emma won't admit it but she is very uneasy when it comes to very tall people. She finds them 'threatening'
She also does not like Know-it-alls, the past coming back to haunt her, and unessisary cruelty of any kind.
Likes: Music, Nature sounds, Swimming, and afternoon naps.