


4 years, 1 month ago


Name:Belami Winslow



Weight:96 lbs 


Rs:Taken by wolfie owo


Personality:Bubbly, sweet, caring, considerate, compassionate 


Night Vision: When his eyes turn completely black, Belami can see perfectly in the darkness


Belami Winslow is a boy who was born to a young woman who owned an orphanage. His father was nowhere to be seen; thus, people often spoke ill of his mother, it always made him upset, but his mother always told him to be patient and kind at all times. Belami grew fond of one girl who came to the orphanage and always went around her, begging her to read him stories and be beside him. He liked to call her “big sister” even though they were not related in the slightest. All was well and happy until one day when the orphanage was caught on fire by some local thugs that were drunken. Belami was stuck underneath a board and the girl who cared for him tried to get him out, but when the structure collapsed, neither could see one another. Belami lost an eye and it took months for the damaged skin to repair. All others of the orphanage had died and only he was left, he had assumed his “older sister” who had tried so desperately to save him had died as well. Belami grew to love the softness and comfort of sweaters because after he had left what remained of the orphanage, an older woman had given him her sweater. He remembered how it had meant the world to him. He had kept it until he could no longer fix the holes created in the fabric.When wandering the streets, he stumbled upon a wandering witch who was being chased and through the state of the chase, he was caught in the middle and was cursed to never be loved romantically. He is unaware of this fact. He often wandered and was eventually taken in by a young woman with no children of her own. She cared for him and taught him the ways for survival, but he did not like the idea that he might have to hurt others only to survive, so he refused this way of living. When he was a teenager, he thanked the woman for all she had done and went on his way. He easily got a job with the education he had obtained on his own and his first outfit he bought for himself was a fluffy soft sweater, some jeans, and sneakers. He grew more confident after moving into his own home, it slowly became more extravagant as he contributed to it. He is extremely satisfied with his way of living. After some time when he was older, he witnessed a girl crying and went to comfort her, and found that she had relationship problems. He spoke with her and then set out to help her boyfriend fall back in love with him. He was successful and saw them some days later together. It made him happier than anything to see that he could bring joy to two seemingly split soulmates.

Fun Facts:

-Belami frequently volunteers at a winery and hospital and they deliver bottles of wine with blood inside in return

-Belami will never not help someone in need

-He witnessed a dead body that had been torn apart in an alley once as a child  and threw up 

-He’s shy and will not speak in front of crowds, but will speak comfortably in a group of eight or less

-Belami will never hurt you, physically non-verbally, if you scream at him, he will often stay silent or leave, he will never argue or fight

-Belami loves all types of music, but pop is his weakness

-Belami never reveals his sexuality to anyone, but everyone can tell

-Belami does not like phones and only has one for contacting people, he will never pick it up otherwise

-You will never see him without his flower crown unless he’s in water or in bed 

-Belami does not understand love for himself

-He does not believe in marriage

-Belami is very impartial to films, he doesn’t mind the genre, all that matters to him is the story

-He likes his hot cocoa only if it has marshmallows AND whipped cream

-Belami likes whipped cream

-He also really likes men