


4 years, 2 months ago


Cyrus "Cy" Alabaster Shepard | Male | Bisexual | Custom Gift

Upon meeting Cyrus, it’s impossible to avoid his cheeriness. He’s overly optimistic and has such a charismatic aura that his enthusiasm is downright infectious. However, taking a glance underneath Cyrus’s exterior is a chilling experience. His friendliness is superficial. Inside, he has a spoiled, childish nature. He’s utterly obsessed with getting what he wants and throws nasty tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. Most of the time, though, it’s easy enough to placate him with a new toy or compliment. His biggest flaw, however, is his immorality. Cyrus often refuses to take responsibility and will hide behind whoever he’s in the good graces of at the moment. He takes flirtation to the next level, often chasing those who are off-limits to him, and often lazes around and refuses any work. Despite this, Cyrus still does enough good for him to stay firmly on the neutral karma line.

Cyrus was the eldest child of Alessia and Paris Shepard, the only son of the family. He had a strong relationship with all eight of his sisters despite the difference in his age, sixteen, and their ages, ranging from four to ten. He would go out of his way to bring them pretty flowers, or save up what little money he earned to buy them toys. Cyrus loved the way they treated him like he was the best person in the world and worked hard to maintain that facade. However, their family was impoverished. They couldn’t afford to take care of all nine children, and thus, as was the tradition in their country, they sold Cyrus to the nearest temple as an acolyte – in exchange for a rather comfortable sum of money, he would work at the temple for a year. He was not thrilled about this turn of events: going from the cherished only son who occasionally babysat and otherwise did nothing to essentially a serf. 

Yet Cyrus wasn’t destined to stay at the bottom of the food chain. His admittedly flirtatious nature and tendency to draw the sympathies of anyone who met him quickly bolstered his status in the temple. After all, this wasn’t a regular temple devoted to purity and holiness – this was a temple of Aezral, the god of violence, sex, and beauty. Cyrus advanced from acolyte to priest where his obsessive and reckless tendencies were not only encouraged, but flourished under the careful interference of the god Aezral himself. Most of his inhibitions were stripped away by the god’s influence and his natural charisma improved, creating a perfect priest for the god. Yet there was one thing the god couldn’t overcome – Cyrus’s deep rejection of anything bloody. It would have taken the destruction of Cyrus’s entire psyche to overrule that one fear. While Aezral would have had no problems achieving it, he had become fond of Cyrus and decided it would be better to have Cyrus return home with him, where he became a missionary and now works as a personal servant to the god who he now worships utterly and completely.

Physical Information
  • Species: Human
  • Skin Colour: Pale
  • Eye Colour: Hazel
  • Hair Colour: Brown
  • Height: 5'4
  • Body Type: Slender
  • Tattoos: A dozen of red roses intertwined to create angel-like wings on his back
  • Scars: None
  • Distinguishing Traits: Large, doe-like eyes; very thick and curly hair; freckles across most of his body
  • Disabilities: None
  • Smokes: Never
  • Drinks: Occasionally
  • Uses Drugs: Often
  • Allergies: Fake silver

Personal Information I
  • Positive Personality Traits:
    - Playful
    - Confident
    - Charismatic
    - Spontaneous
    - Enthusiastic
  • Negative Personality Traits:
    - Obsessive
    - Reckless
    - Spoiled
    - Childish
    - Oversensitive
  • Likes:
    - Fine Arts
    - Gemstones
    - Parties
  • Dislikes:
    - Mud
    - Spiders
    - Gore
  • Fears: Blood, Autophobia

Personal Information II
  • Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
  • Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
  • Favourite Food: Salmon
  • Favourite Drink: Green Tea
  • Favourite Colour: Dark Blue
  • Favourite Animal: Snake
  • Favourite Flower: Roses
  • Favourite Season: Winter
  • Favourite Music Genre: Classical
  • Elemental Sign: Water
  • Spirit Animal: Dog
  • Virtue: Dilligence
  • Sin: Pride

Familial Information
  • Mother: Alessia Shepard
  • Father: Paris Shepard
  • Brothers: None
  • Sisters: Fotini, Stella, Tatiana, Valentina, Daphne, Chara, Marina, Elektra
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Partner: None

Skill Information
  • Hand to Hand Skill: Low
  • Light Weaponry Skill: High
  • Heavy Weaponry Skill: Low
  • Ranged Weaponry Skill: High
  • Intelligence Level: High
  • Speed Level: High
  • Agility Level: High
  • Stamina Level: Low
  • Dexterity Level: High
  • Stealth Level: High
  • Charisma Level: High
  • Magic Skill: High
  • Magic Speciality: Illusionism
  • Musical Ability: High
  • Musical Instrument: Harp
  • Artistic Level: High
  • Special Skill: Infiltration
  • Preferred Weapons: Throwing Knives