


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info



Age, Height

N/A, 5'5


Calm, down to earth


He would loss control and kill those he cares about again


Son of the Wind god and Bird queen. God of wind and birds


Soyokaze is the god of birds and wind. He was the child of the god of wind and goddest of birds, who was given to the wind god to end the wars in the sky. At a very younge age his mother was assissated by having her wings wripped out and being left to bleed to death was is father was out doing some goddly activity, bring the attack he also had his wings wripped out but it did not kill him since he was so young. His father hated that he wasn't able to protect his wife and son from the attack and started to aviod, and agnore Soyokaze because he was a living reminder of his failure. This made his hatrage grow, his purple marking changing to red. He started to get angrier and angrier. That's when the killing started. Wiping out villages with his sword and winds. Even going to far as to kill his best friend, while Cian, his other friend watched. 

When he got older he started to calm down, finding a demon and an angle locked away by the humans he let them free. He even look pitty on a small green haired human boy who he took under his wind. Cian never left his, with his god far before the others and has been throw everything with him.

He loves to lay under the love-lies-bleeding in the gardern
The little ghost on the end of his sword was made by the friend he killed to remind him of those times.
When he gets very angery the bloodlust returns and his markings start to turn red again.
He loves to eat sunflower seeds.