
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Blue on the right, Green on the left

Tail Color: Magenta

Wings/Fin Color: Transparent Blue

Sexual Preference: ???

Loves: ???

Hates: Being restricted, faries making fun of her

    Born (and still lives) in a lake, not to far from a forest, Faylinn was born with a fairy Father and a mermaid Mother, she was always a unique sorta person. Then again, if you were a FairyMermaid, you would be unique too. She's not a big magic user, only knowing a small amount over the single decade she has had at practicing magic, but still edger to learn it. Though, she's always stayed in the lke all her life due to being stuck with a tail and making sure she stays in the pond so no one sees her.