


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info






166.6 cm


Human - Witch


Enough to kill a cat


Chaotic Neutral


"Wont you play with me?" A witch who's embraced insanity and that dabbles in dark arts and all things supernatural. 

Manipulative and corrupt, Muse lives for the simple things in life; observing human reactions and getting into the heads of people to bring out their fears and worries. She's known to be wicked but useful, drawing in all sorts of company- it is rather miraculous that with her horrible reputation, people for centuries still continue to come to her in their times of need. Perhaps its because she tends to skirt the laws and rules, following her own judgement instead of anyone else's; one has to admit, she always gets a job done one way or another. 

Muse has a love for making deals... to the point where it seems like its rather forced. For some reason one way or another, Muse will not operate unless a transaction of give and take is preformed. But since this is the case... "Lets make it a fun little tradsie" 

MoonBright Town Au Specifics: 

Powers: Human Experiments - Necromancy and Reanimation - bringing people back from the dead 

  • Potions and cooking may be considered a secondary level of expertise as she spikes confectioneries with unknown potions and effects.. for a hobby
  • Her close relation to Necromancy suggests she may be able to see ghosts (but some people just dont believe it)

Coven: Dark Magic

Rumor: Muse wears an eyepatch and always wears a choker bc I heard she gouged out her own eye and cut off her own head for an experiment

Arrival: She goes in and out of the town whenever she is on the run from civilization or on vacation

Sum up: Muse is in it for herself. There is no one she cares for more. Or less. But you can get anything out of her for a price she finds worth it. Her backstory is a mystery unless you ask the right questions and offer the right price. Eery scary spoopy reputation but she's very friendly and polite which throws people off.. She's just a big round Mystery.