Flynn Park



9 years, 3 months ago


Age: 22

Birthday: 04/04/1992

Relationship Status: Taken (By Lance Black)

Background story: Flynn always knew that he grow up to help people in his life. He was raised by his mother and 2 older sisters. His father had been murdered by an unknown killer when he was 5 years old. This was the catalyst in making him decide to be a detective. He joined the Aekea Police at the age of 20 and quickly rose to the rank of Detective within 7 months after successfully thwarting many high crime leaders. He met his significant other, Lance Black, when he got transferred to the investigation squad. It was until one day that they were both assigned to track down a serial killer, Flynn has gotten stabbed trying to save Lance from the offender. The next day at the hospital, Lance dropped by at Flynn's room to thank him and gave him a kiss for saving his life and that's where our romance blooms....

Personality: He can be quite shy and quiet for the most part, but he can be very bright. He is also stubborn and refuses to be wrong all the time. At times he can be childish, but only out of fun.

Likes: Strawberry Milk and Old Music

Occupation: Police Detective (Aekea Police)