Lance Black



9 years, 3 months ago


Age: 29

Birthday: 07/12/1985

Relationship: Taken (By: Flynn Park)

Background story: Lance grew up on the outskirts of Barton, living on a farm with his family. As he got older, he became tired of living the country life and moved into the industrial city, Aekea. He decided to wanted to solve crimes and help the people of the city. He joined the Aekea Police when he was 20 and slowly crawled up to the rank of Lieutenant in the Investigations Division. He didn't really have much of a love life, until the day he met Flynn Park. Flynn transferred into his division and they both solved cases here and there together. They became very close friends and Lance eventually started to have feelings for Flynn. Their romance didn't begun until one day, they were both assigned to track down a serial killer. They both did just that, but Flynn ended up getting stabbed, trying to save Lance from the killer. The next day, at the hospital, Lance went to visit Flynn and rewarded his heroism with a kiss and that's where the romance begins...

Personality: He's a nice and serious fellow most of the time. He gets flustered a bit, when his lover is around. (He also has a country accent)

Likes: Literature (will always read a book whenever convinient) and Coffee

Occupation: Police Lieutenant (Investigations)