Osaki Himawari



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Osaki Himawari

Osaki Himawari

Kanji 尾埼 ひまわり
Rōmaji Osaki Himawari
Character Information
Also Known As Hima-chan (by Atsumu)
Hima (by Akeno)
Gender Female
Date of Birth January 24, 1996
Age 16 - 17 (High School 1st Year)
22 (Nov 2018)
Height 156.8 cm - Apr 2012
157.4 cm - Nov 2018
Weight 49.3 kg
Background Information
Family Osaki Takashi (Father)
Oguro Akeno (Cousin)
Oguro Taisei (Cousin)
Goal Support her team
Be less pessimistic
Likes Reading
Home town Hyōgo Prefecture
Home country Japan
Professional Status
Occupation High School Student (2nd Year, Class 2) - 2012
Business Analyst
Team(s) Inarizaki High (Former)
Position Manager
Debut Information
In the Manga Chapter 247: Day 2
In the Anime Episode 73: Day 2
Seiyu Information
Voice Actor Uchida Maaya

I've already considered every possible way this could go wrong. It's all I've been able to think about the past few days.

― Osaki Himawari

Himawari Osaki (尾埼 ひまわり Osaki Himawari) was a second-year student from Inarizaki High and the boys volleyball team's manager. She is currently a business analyst for an advertising agency.


Himawari is a petite girl with fair skin. She has medium-length brown that she usually leaves down except when doing club activities, when she ties it into a low bun. She has gray eyes with a relaxed shape. She has been noted to be very cute now, though she didn't stand out much in the past. In the past, she could mostly be seen frowning or with a melancholy expression, but she has been smiling a lot more since join the volleyball club.

She can often be seen wearing her school uniform, which consists of a white dress shirt, a navy sweater, a black bow, a gray skirt, and black socks. While doing club activities, she wears a tracksuit with a red jacket and white pants, both with black accents, and a black shirt beneath. Her casual clothes often consist of feminine clothes with a conservative style.


Himawari is a quiet and reserved girl. While she isn't shy, she doesn't speak out much, and she tries not to draw too much attention to herself. She doesn't get embarrassed easily, and it is difficult to get her angry or to react strongly in any way. She is very pessimistic, often imagining all the ways things could go wrong for her. She isn't very confident in herself, and she thinks that anyone who compliments her is just making fun of her. She admires people who are cheerful and popular, as she wishes she could be more like them. She thinks her melancholy personality makes her unlikable, so she has been trying to be less pessimistic. After joining the volleyball club and making friends with the players, she has started to open up more and become more expressive.

She is intelligent, and she consistently gets high marks in school because she spends a lot of time studying. She says she doesn't particularly like studying and that she sees it more as a chore, something that has to be done. She is dedicated to the tasks she is given, always completing them in a timely manner. Because of her mother's early death, she has always had to handle things on her own without much help. She is the type of person to just quietly deal with whatever is thrown her way without complaining, but this means that she can also be a bit of a doormat.


As a child, Himawari was cheerful and active. She grew up around her two cousins, Oguro Akeno and Taisei, and they often played together. While Himawari wasn't good at sports, Akeno and Taisei were, so that's often what they did. They played all kinds of sports. Akeno and Taichi even began playing on local teams, but Himawari couldn't keep up with them because of her lack of athleticism. When Himawari was eleven years old, her mother died suddenly in a car accident. She was heartbroken, as she was very close to her mother. She lost all of the cheerfulness she had before, and she became withdrawn and pessimistic. She and her father moved to Hyōgo Prefecture to start a new life.

Since her father worked, she learned how to cook and take care of the house. She matured quickly this way. At her new school, she had trouble making friends because she always kept to herself, and she spent most of her time studying. There were a few people that she talked to at school, but she mostly avoided her peers, thinking that any show of kindness was just a form of pity or a way to mess with her. This continued into high school, where she attended Inarizaki High. When in her first year of high school, she was approached by Miya Atsumu, one of the most popular students in her grade, and asked if she would become the manager of the boys volleyball team. She initially thought that he was making fun of her, but he promised her that he wasn't. He knew that she wasn't in any clubs, and he had heard that she was a hard worker. Knowing that she really had no reason to refuse and not having the courage to say no, she accepted.

After joining the volleyball, she slowly became friends with the members of the team. She was welcomed with open arms, and the players became quite fond of her. It was the first time she had felt like she was part of team, and it was the first time since her mother's death that she had felt comfortable with a group of people. She poured her heart into her position as manager, trying to learn everything she could about volleyball. What was once something that she just saw as an obligation became something that she really enjoyed. She gradually warmed up to the players, and she began to smile more. She even cried when the third-years from that first year retired. Going into her second year of high school, she was seen as an integral part of the team that kept things running smoothly and supported the team from the background. That year, her cousins moved to Hyōgo Prefecture, and Akeno began attending Inarizaki High.

After high school, she moved into an apartment with Atsumu and began attending college while he played volleyball. She attended a college in the city, majoring in business administration, and she earned very high marks all four years she attended. After graduating, she began working for an advertising agency as a business analyst.


High School Statistics

Game Sense

Himawari is not athletic at all, and she has never been able to play sports well. However, she is dedicated to her position as a manager and she does her best to support the team. She records statistics about the players and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. She also collects data on other teams and compares it with her own team. As per the coach's request, she keeps an eye on the players' grades in school, and she helps them if she can. While she doesn't understand the intricate details of volleyball, she is trying to learn more about it. Overall, she works hard at any task she is given.


  • Data management: She is shown to be very skilled at handling large amounts of data and keeping it organized.
  • Intelligence: She is very smart, getting top grades in school.


"There are plenty of other people who aren't in any clubs that would be better than me. I'm not particularly good at anything, and I don't stand out. So what other reason would you have to ask me other than to make fun of me?"

— to Miya Atsumu when he asked her to be the volleyball team's manager

"It's hard to be pessimistic when you're around so many amazing people. I have you to thank for that, I guess."

— to Miya Atsumu

"I guess I'm a little nervous for the game. I'm not even the one playing... but I'd be really happy if you guys won it all."

— to Kita Shinsuke

"It's easy to envy someone for a trait that you wish you had. Just remember that the person you're envying also has traits that they wish they had or wish they didn't have. Nobody is perfect. I don't think anyone is completely satisfied with the way they are."

— to Torikai Suzu

"I've already considered every possible way this could go wrong. It's all I've been able to think about the past few days."

— to her coworker


  • Her favorite food is sushi, specifically anything with crab.
  • Current concern (2012): Atsumu doesn't pay attention in class, then asks to see her notes.
  • Current concern (2018): One of her company's clients assumed she was someone's assistant rather than an actual business analyst.
  • Her star sign is Aquarius.
  • Her worst subject is science, and her best subject is literature.
  • Osaki (尾埼) means "tail, peninsula," and Himawari (ひまわり) means "sunflower."
  • Her family name is a homophone of osaki, a type of spirit possession of a fox.


Love interest
Good relationship
Neutral relationship
Bad relationship
Post time-skip


Osaki Takashi

[ Himawari || Otōsan ]

Himawari is very close with her father. Ever since her mother's death, they have relied on each other more than anything. Himawari does whatever she can to ease the stress on him, including doing most of the cooking and cleaning. He tells her that she doesn't have to worry about doing any of that, but she does it anyways. He loves her more than anything, and he supports her in everything she does. He often brings her home little treats when he gets off of work.

Oguro Taisei

[ Hima || Taisei ]

They are more like siblings than cousins. They spent a lot of time together as children since their parents were close. Himawari admires Taisei because of his strong and ambitious personality. Taisei likes to tease and mess with Himawari as any older brother would do, but he also looks out for her in any way he can. Now that they live near each other again, he drops by a lot to help her out with chores and errands. They look nothing alike, so when they are seen together, they are sometimes mistaken for a couple.

Oguro Akeno

[ Hima || Akeno ]

Just like with Taisei, they are more like siblings than cousins. They have always been close because they are the same age. They both have to withstand Taisei's bullying, so they find solidarity in that. When they were children, Akeno would always try to defend Himawari from Taisei. Himawari wishes she could more cheerful like Akeno, but at the same time, Akeno wishes she could be more calm and mature like Himawari. Himawari often helps Akeno with her schoolwork. Like Taisei, Akeno often drops by to help out with chores and errands when she isn't busy with volleyball.

Miya Atsumu

[ Hima-chan || Atsumu-kun ]

They first met when the volleyball club was trying to find a manager in their first year. Atsumu heard from some people in their grade that Himawari wasn't in a club and that she was a hard worker, so he approached her and tried to recruit her. Himawari thought he was making fun of her at first, as she thought that she had no special talents that would make her a better manager than anyone else. She thought there was no reason for someone popular like Atsumu to approach her for anything. After he assured her that he wasn't messing with her and she accepted, they began to become friends. Atsumu constantly tried to see if he could get a reaction out of her by teasing her and complimenting her, but she never did, much to his dismay. Even as she began to open up and they got closer, his attempts were only more frequent. He often tries to rope her into his antics, but she never plays along.

Somewhere along the line, they developed feelings for each other. Atsumu started trying to flirt with her, but all of his attempts just went over her head because she thought he was just teasing her as usual. It took her a long time to realize her feelings because she had never had a crush on someone or dated anyone before. She found herself getting more flustered around him, which is something that had never happened before. She didn't realize what it was she was feeling until he finally confessed to her in their second year of high school. After that, they began dating. They dated all throughout high school, and they moved in together after high school.

They have always gotten along very well. She is very tolerant of his antics, sometimes even finding them funny. She also reigns him in a little bit. When she gets into a pessimistic rut, he is always around to cheer her up and tell her things will be alright. He used to compliment her just to tease her, but his compliments eventually became genuine. He gets a bit jealous when he sees other guys looking at her, and he is quick to grab her hand or put his arm around her in these situations. She gets nervous about being affectionate in public, so she mostly shows her affection when it's just the two of them. She shows her love with little actions, like cooking for him or showing him things that made her think of him.

Miya Osamu

[ Himawari || Osamu-kun ]

They are good friends. Osamu, being the more laidback of the twins, gets along well with the reserved Himawari. He was often the one to defend Himawari from Atsumu's teasing. She thinks it's funny how Osamu seems so reserved, but his teases Atsumu relentlessly. Osamu was one of the first ones to notice the way Atsumu and Himawari felt about each other, even noticing before either of them did.

Kita Shinsuke

[ Osaki || Kita-san ]

Himawari admires Kita for his quiet strength and leadership ability. They are both the type of people to quietly do their duties without complaining or looking for praise, and they get along well because of this similarity. Kita looks out for Himawari just as he looks out for the rest of the team.

Hinata Shōyō

[ Himawari-san || Shōyō-kun ]

They met after Hinata came back to Japan and joined the MSBY Black Jackals. Himawari was waiting for Atsumu after their practice one day when a man started to harass her. Hinata came out and saw them, and he rushed to her aid. She recognized him as the short middle blocker from high school, and when she mentioned this, Hinata remembered her being Inarizaki's manager. After that, they became friends. Himawari likes his enthusiastic and bright personality, and she finds him entertaining. She sometimes invites him over to have dinner with her and Atsumu.

Sasano Kanae

[ Himawari-san || Kanae-chan ]

Their boyfriends are on the same professional team, so they often see each other at games and such. They even hang out outside of games. They have similar quiet personalities, so they get along well.

Tokura Miu

[ Himawari-chan || Miu-chan ]

They met through Kanae, and they get along well. The two of them, along with Akeno and Kanae, are a close group of friends that often hang out together.