Pembe Dove



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Pembe Dove

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Description: Short pink hair, icy blue eyes, fair skin, and rabbit ears with tail. She has a nose piercing. Stands at 4'11". Always has her ring on she uses to activate her quirk.

Quirk: Blood Manipulation.

Able to manipulate and use her blood in varying ways.
She can form it into solid masses or keep it liquid. Often fights with a blood scythe and Blood nunchucks. 


- Bun Gun

Collects blood into either palm and fires it like a bullet.  Can compress the blood to make a stronger and faster bullet but not as powerful as the BBG variant.

-  Bun Bun Gun

Using both palms, blood is collected in them and is fired off. Is pushed back quite a bit from this move. Often uses it to also send her in the air when needed.

- Bun Bun Bomb!

Using both palms she forms a large sphere and sends it at her foe or object and can control when it detonates.  Can do small multiple spheres as well.

- Bun Shield

Collects her blood before her and compresses it into a powerful shield. Shield varies in shape and size.

- Killer Bun

Encases her fists and feet in a highly compressed form of her blood. It covers from toes to knee cap and from fingers to elbows. 

On her fingers she forms sharp rabbit claws and the same for her toed boots. 

Able to deal heavy damage as well as take heavy damage when blocking with the encased body parts.


- Can only manipulate her blood.

- Has to keep her blood clean when in use or else she can not return it to her body.  

- Has to be careful not to use too much blood or else she can become fatigued.

- Must be careful not to use her Gun and bomb ults too much or else she could form Anemia. Her gun ults may be used often but with caution.

Bio: From South Korea originally. Her and her twin sister were abandoned by their parents. They were adopted by a quirkless couple who were in for one hell of a ride when the two babies quirks emerged. They moved to Japan after their quirks came to try and give their children the best schooling and quirk training.

Pembe and her sister Blu both goto UA and graduated from there. Blu moved back to South Korea to try and be the top hero where the competition wasn't so steep. Pembe moved to America, going to classes to learn english

Personality: A very Sassy bun with habit of cursing one out in Korean.


Has a twin sister named Blu who goes by the Hero name Element Mouse or yoso mauseu in Korean. Her sister stayed in South Korea where the two are from. Pembe and Blu went to and graduated from UA. 

Hero Name: Blood Bun