Kaiserin Muto



4 years, 1 month ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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$100 - $300


Name: Kaiserin Muto

Nicknames: Empress, Kaiserin, Muto, lone Ghidorah, false Ghidorah


Species: Keizer Ghidorah / Muto (hence “Kaiserin Muto”)

Gender: female (infertile)

Height: 100 meters tall when standing straight up.

Weight: Unknown (I legit don’t know how to calculate something like that)


Strengths/Powers: Gravity beams (not has strong has Ghidorah’s), levitation, echolocation, Electromagnetic pulse Field (not has strong has An actual muto’s), electricity can bounce from one opponent to even more, sonic roar, agile in arial combat, wings can wrap around body to provide extra protection, can use wings has arms to increase ground movement speed on the ground, can use EMP field to drain electromagnetic sources to refuel electrical power, if a storm happens to pass over she can manipulate it and intensify it to her subconscious will.

Weaknesses: not durable (gets hurt decently easily - lacks defense), no real physical strength (aside from tail, wings, and momentum), Sensitivity to cold, Smaller size (mutation during incubation stunted her size), corona beam, slow regeneration, low stamina, inexperienced, cant use EMP Field while using gravity beams and vice versa.

Physical defining features: inherits Ghidorah’s lips (she can emote) but has the muto beak in front, pure white eyes (unaffected by light sources and shines white in the dark), narrow head, dark mouth with black teeth, tongue, and beak with dark grey gums, forked tail, monochrome color scheme (more inherited from monster X before the transformation and the muto), flies in a “X” wing position (like a muto).


Personality: Cautious, prideful unless life is threatened (turns into a coward and RUNS), intelligent, adventurous, Energetic, childish in a sense, heavily tunnel visioned, headstrong, easily nervous when entering battle, scardy cat (gets spooked easily), careful when flying, panics easily, nervous/paranoid when alone (which is the majority of the time).

*When Kaiserin Muto is fighting alongside allied kaiju(s) her confidence and ego have a significant boost has she becomes more reckless in the presence of friends.*


*This backstory is technically within a ”Godzilla: Final Wars” continuity AU but I changed things around has I see fit - she is not tied to the continuity and can be drawn outside of it*

Brief Backstory: Kaiserin Muto is a cross between Keizer Ghidorah’s cells and a Muto egg created by the Xiliens (who are a split section that survived the events of final wars and left earth) to be the ultimate anti-Godzilla kaiju. Her brother died before hatching (birth defects and mutations caused him to die in early development - he was stillborn. He was supposed to be Keizer Muto.) and Kaiserin Muto is infertile. Mind-control is extremely fickle and often simply does not work on her (due to her EMP and her gravity beams combined). She does go to earth but more out of curiosity than malice. She simply observes and tries her best not to intervene. Other kaijus don’t mind her presence since she isn’t a threat has long has she’s not being pursued.



- Kaiserin Muto doesnt feed solely off radiation. Instead she mainly draws energy from electricity. Her metabolism for electricity is extremely fast and often has to recharge.

- She feels the need to have one-to-two other allied kaiju nearby at any given time to feel secure about herself.

- She draws storms and electricity towards her general location unintentionally.

- Likes to playfully badger humans by playfully battering around their machines and structures (much to everyone’s dismay).

- Kaiserin Muto actually likes the company of humans and feels more secure around them. (Not has secure with other kaiju however)

- She will follow jets/planes around occasionally for no particular reason. If they engage in battle she will likely follow suit.

- Kaiserin Muto practices mimicry through action and sound (she has quite the range of noises at her disposal). She mimics fighting moves that she observes.

- Due to the nature of mutos, kaiserin muto tends to seek romantic partners along with their companionship (although she doesn’t actively search, its just a sort of thing she desires but never really acts on.)

- Kaiserin Muto hates both other Ghidorah’s and mutos, she prefers to be alone then to be around either species.

** I do not, in anyway, own Godzilla. This is just a fan character for a potential “Final Wars” AU**