Roman ($10)'s Comments

Hello, i would be interested in buying them off you but i don't currently have cashapp, i was wondering if I could possibly do a three-way traded for this character?

If yes would i also be able to get one of the free with purchase characters iswell?

Or would you take something other then money for them?

Hello! The free with purchase option is for characters that are 20, unless you want to throw in another five bucks then you would be able to take savin as well!

I’m not quite sure what a three way trade is, could you explain? ^-^ If you have paypal I could definitely accept a voucher! 

Ah alright, i unfortunately don't have PayPal either. I don't have any way of transferring money currently.

Three way trades are basically i get someone else to give you the thing you want, i give that person the thing tgey want, then you give me the thing i want

I get that! I was also gonna say I take digital gift cards but it seems like you can’t do that either which is fine :] You can also offer on Savin if you want, I’m not extremely picky with these guys since they’ve been up for a long time and they’re old lol

I could do a three way trade, I’ve never done one before though so forgive me not fully understanding or getting some things wrong! :] So I should find an adopt you can try to get, is that what that means? 

No you don't need to find a adopt i want, im going to go find someone who would buy this character for me and then i can pay them probably though art

Ohhh ok! Sorry I misunderstood, I get it now!! :] I can definitely do that! 

5 Replies

Actually, I’ll throw Savin in for free for this if you are interested :] He’s old and I don’t use him at all 

Thank you!