
Gender: Male

Age: Mid 20s

Birthday: November 28th

Height: 5' 5"

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Rebel, Assassin for hire

Loves: Nature and slow walks

Hates: The Christian Church

    Born and raise in the medieval times, he was trained and soon became a knight working for the cross. In one of his travels through the path in a forest, he saw a beautiful woman of his age. Hellos were exchange and after getting to know each other more, he got off his horse and got closer to her. And after years of getting closer and closer, they ended up getting married. Once his wife told her she was a wiccan, he didn't care as he knew that she was not some demon or worshiper of the devil as he once mindlessly thought.

    Soon, he started worrying about what would happen to her when she died, worried that she wouldn't go to heaven due to her beliefs, he joined the Crusades in hopes that she would go into heaven when she died. While traveling, he soon created gauntlet switchblades, ones that swept out 180 degrees.. but was only secure with wooden plugs. After years of that fighting, after witnessing his comrades commit slaughter to innocent bystanders, he left for home, leaving the crusades behind him.... until he arrived home, to see not only his home ransacked, but to also see his wife decapitated. He gave her a proper burial, tied her necklace to the end of his sword, and looked back into his home to find clues of what happened.

    He then discovered that crusaders were there, that they were the ones that did this to his wife. And when he went up to them and asked, they happily admitted that they killed a "witch", throwing insult after insult about her, until he killed all the crusaders that he encountered and questioned them about his wife. He then deducted that the one that was in charged of what he believed in was the one responsible for all of this, saying "he twists the words of the lord himself, just so he can have his own ways."

    He got really close to killing him too, but had to escape due to overwhelming odds despite his swordsman skills being better than most of the living crusaders. He just kept running, until a portal opened up in front of him and took him basically to the future. At first, he was in shock over the sudden changes, but slowly over time, with the help of being taken in by a brilliant tech expert, he soon adapted to this new place quite well... until he saw more of what he saw back when he was in his time, only on a bigger and more widely known scale.

    He finally decided enough was enough and went out with newly built armor, an improved body(thanks to a drug that increased his strength and speed while making him age much slower(no, he did not know about these side effects at first), and began living his life as an assassin for hire with magical abilities, slowly becoming consumed by his hatred of the christian church. This blindness lead him to believing that The Order was in league with them as they keep trying to stop him with his magic. With his distrust growing stronger and stronger, he soon found trust in only one man, Nathan Arch. With an offer he could not refuse, he decided to join him and aid him in his goal... until, even he began to question if he made a deal with a devil without realizing it.