Manson Ridges



4 years, 11 days ago


Manson Ridges
Age 22
Gender male (he/him)
Species human
Orient. bisexual
D.O.B mar. 23

Manson has a temper. He is very brash in his speech, and isn't afraid to speak his mind.

He is very overzealous, and doesn't want anything to interrupt his work. He is very confident in himself, and doesn't like to make exceptions for other people. He is a bit stuck in his ways.

Manson is introverted, and doesn't really come out of his shell. He kind of wants to blend into the crowd, but because of the fame of his parents, he can't.

  • Crystals
  • Cats
  • Potion making
  • Figs
  • Summoning
  • Crowds
  • Non-magic users
  • Alcohol

Manson Ridges is a young wizard in his fourth and final year at the Carsoning Academy of Magic. He is currently under an apprenticeship with an older sorcerer at a potion shop.

During a summoning class, he was tasked with summoning whatever is connected to his soul. For most people, that meant animal familiars, or demonic contracts. Manson assumed his would be his own familiar, Carlyle. Instead, a demon towered over him. While the demon, Rory, is seemingly infatuated with Manson, the human is taking all chances in getting the demon back to his own world.

Design Notes

  • Manson has a button nose and freckles.
  • His hair sticks up at the sides. He has long sideburns, and the back is just a little bit longer than the rest of his hair.
  • The tattoos on his wrist represent his levels of schooling. When he receives the fourth line, he will be done with his lessons and be recognized as a full-fledged wizard.

  • He is an ISTJ.
  • He is 5'7".
  • His familiar is a black cat named Carlyle.
  • His parents have been on a worldwide business venture since he was eighteen years old. He started his schooling when they left, as his father is the author of a famous spellbook and he didn't want their presence while he was in school.
  • Even though he feels a bond with Rory, he is still a little terrified of him due to his appearance and height.
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