Rosalicia "Rosa" Isolde



4 years, 1 month ago


Basic information

Appearance description: 
Rosalicia is a tall latino woman with lightly toned skin, brown hair with a light reddish hue, deep brown eyes and a decent bosom. She keeps her hair in a large ribbon bun at the crown in the back of her head. Rosalicia always has a refined air about her, her makeup applied immaculately, her smile courteous and friendly, her clothing spotless. She usually holds her hands in a slightly lowered recitation handclasp.
Rosalicia wears a dark blue, slightly old fashioned, even dress with puffy sleeves and white accents at the ends of her sleeves and around her neck. The dress goes all the way down to her ankles. Over this she wears a white apron with a flower pattern. Her shoes are shiny, black, laced boots with a cuban heel that reach about half way up her lower leg. Her hair ribbon has a dark red colour and at the left side of her hair line she wears a small iron hair clip shaped like a squirrel.

Full name:Rosalicia Isolde




Talent:Ultimate Foster Mother
Winter Carnage 2: Breaking Point
Birthday:23 July

Height:1.95 m
Weight:90 kg

Public Backstory:  

Rosalicia Isolde is the Foster Mom of the Bayona Orphanage located in the Western part of Bolivia built secludedly on a small plateau in the Andes mountains. The nearest village is about a 30 minute drive from the orphanage.
Rosalicia took over the Bayona from the previous owner after he disappeared due to dealings with the local drug cartel. Rosalicia, 16 at the time and by far the eldest orphan at the facility at the time, publicly sought to take on the job to ‘Stop the local government from dissolving the orphanage and thus forcing her younger orphans to go through a severely upsetting shake up of environments’. Her pleas were heard and after completing a suitability test and getting her driver’s license, she was handed ownership of the orphanage. In her capable hands the secluded orphanage became famous as the best of the nation, whose orphans after reaching a decent age were accepted into famous and certified boarding schools abroad. The orphans under her care are known to be extremely well behaved and have strong morals and values instilled by their beloved foster mother.
Several international inquiries and inspections have lauded Rosalicia’s ‘perfect balance between love and strictness that manages to reach the hearts and minds of even the most problematic children’. Also her ability to ‘create an environment perfect for raising children’ with the limited resources and problematic surroundings of the orphanage have earned her high amounts of praise. This ultimately led to her earning the title of Ultimate Foster Mom.

Public Personality:
Rosalicia is motherly, warm person who cares about those around her. She’ll dote, hug, compliment, comfort and look after everyone that’ll allow her to do so. However, she isn’t afraid to reprimand or even lightly punish someone if she feels they are deserving of such measures, she won’t let those in her care run wild, after all there are rules and morals one should always adhere to. She always tries to find the best individual angle to treat and care for everyone like a true mother.
If someone tells her they don’t want her ‘mothering’ them. She’ll accept this and refrain from doing so, however, she’ll still tell them if they disagree with their actions in no uncertain terms.
Overall, she also has a rather refined and old fashioned quality to her, tending a bit more to ‘the good old days’. She dislikes the overuse of technology and thinks society nowadays is too disrespectful, preaching for more respect and understanding between people. She’s also strict on having good manners and emphasizing the development of a good moral compass. She, of course, sticks to all these things herself as you must ‘practise what you preach’.

1. Harmony in a group. Rosa is at her happiest when everyone gets along with each other and they are able to play and learn together.
2. Cooking. She just enjoys cooking, especially for larger groups
3. Knitting. When the kids are out playing amongst themselves and she’d finished her training, Rosa would often spend time sitting on the porch knitting gloves, scarves and sweaters for everyone.

1. Discord and arguments. Arguments disturb family harmony. Differences should be calmly discussed and respected. Shouting and fighting will only lead to more unhappiness.
2. Untidiness. Rosa’s appearance is immaculate, as a coping mechanism to hide how dirty she feels about herself. Thus she tolerates no flaws of this kind to appear upon herself.
3. Bad manners. Rosa still believes people should treat each other with proper manners and respect and will comment on excessively disrespectful behaviour or bad manners (this also includes table manners)

-Physically strong and well trained
-Friendly and amiable
-Good at resolving conflicts and getting two parties to talk to one another at respectful terms.

-Cares too much about others
-Not very good with technology
-Stickler for the rules (especially manners)
A pair of knitting needles and some wool.
A sewing kit to fix damaged clothing.

foster father - Carlos @me
children - the group of orphans at the Bayona orphanage @me