




Name: Circe

Age: Adult


Gender: Female 

Parents: Chikondi & Hera




P1 - Give your lion a basic personality. 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P2 - Write 3 positive traits about your lion, and 3 negative ones - 50 exp

P3 - Write your lion’s backstory. 200 word minimum - 150 exp

 What is this pride member’s greatest dream? 100 word minimum - 75 exp
P5 - What is this pride member’s greatest fear? 100 word minimum - 75 exp
P7 - What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P8 - What annoys this pride member, or acts as a pet peeve? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P9 - What is their greatest motivator? What, without a doubt, will spur them to act? 150 word minimum - 100 exp
P10 - Have they ever been in love? How did it turn out for them? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P11 - Draw this pride member as a cub. Flatcolor, fullbody minimum - 100 exp
P12 - Who (or what) is this pride member’s greatest enemy? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P13 - Is this lion superstitious? Do they believe in gods, spirits, or the supernatural? 150 word minimum - 100 exp


Describe this lions den, is it neat and orderly or messy? 150 word minimum or flat color drawing minimum - 100 exp

P15 - Would this lion (or does this lion) make a good parent? Would they be happy about cubs? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P16-     How competitive is this pride member? Is this just with their own     goals, or with the other pridemates? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P17 -  

What is this pride member’s view of themselves? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P18-     Does this pride member have a saying or catchphrase they use     frequently? Why? Where did it come from? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P19 - What is this pride member’s biggest secret? Why is it so important it stay their own? 150 word minimum - 100 exp
P20 - What would cause this pride member to cry? 150 word minimum or flat color drawing minimum - 100 exp

P21-  Is this pride member an introvert or extrovert? 50 word minimum - 50 exp

 P22 - What quality is most important to this lion to have in a friend? 100 word minimum -  75 exp

P23 - If this lion could change anything about themselves, what would they change? Why? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P24- How does this lion feel about their blood relatives, their parents and siblings?  150 word minimum - 100 exp

P25-  How has this lion changed since they were a cub? What immaturities have they grown past? - 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P26- What was their best cub-hood memory? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P27-     If this lion were to get attacked by a random rogue lion, how likely     would they be to win the fight? What skills would help (or hurt)  them?    150 word minimum - 100 exp

P28  - How  does   your lion feel about love, have they found love or are they   seeking  it?  Have they ever had their heart broken? 200 word minimum -   150 exp

P29- Is this lion the type to bully others or be bullied? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P30- What does this lion do when they’re angry? 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P31-     How intelligent is this lion? Are they quick and clever? Slow to    figure  things out, but usually find the answer? Completely    oblivious/unable to  focus? If given a puzzle, how would they solve it?    150 word minimum -  100 exp

P32- What sort    of  possessions does this lion have? Do they keep anything in   particular  or  just have their den/home and thats enough? What uses do   these things   serve? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

P33- How likely is this lion to keep a promise? - 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P34- What does this lion daydream about? - 100 word minimum - 75 exp

P35     - Create a visual or written timeline of your lion’s life. You can     write it out, create one yourself, or use an online timeline maker    (just  screenshot it) Must contain at least 150 words and 3 events.