
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair color: Blue

Eye color: Green

Feather Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Flying

Hates: Chained down, restricted from flying

    Her memory is VERY fuzzy, and it's not because she's a harpy, as she only remembers the first time she saw the sun to now (14 to now). These days, all she does is fly like it's no tomorrow. She does land, but only to talk to new people and eat. Her last name was only made when she couldn't remember it but found a name tag on the ground after seeing the sun. She can be a bit too friendly, as she sometimes accidentally pierces people with her claws of her wings when hugging tightly. She does hate not flying, but if she is restricted from flying, she tends to develop PTSD, begging for someone to stop poking her wings. Though, if allowed to fly again, she will return back to normal and slowly forget what she was yelling about.