Sakai Ichika



4 years, 1 month ago


《Name:》Sakai Ichika

《Nickname(S):》Omni (Hero name)


《Role:》Hero, working for an agency currently.

《Gender:》Female (She/Her)

《Sexual Orientation:》Pansexual

《Status:》Single, had a crush on a boy named Seiko before they lost touch.

《Family:》Sakai's parents currently aren't known, though they aren't dead and she doesn't like to have contact with them.

《Friendships:》Sakai is friends with a lot of notable pro heroes and heroes working for agencies, along with some students like class 1A, however her closest friend and something of a father-figure to her is a man named Taro, her boss.

《Hair color:》Light blonde with a pinkish tint

《Eye Color:》Light lilac

《Skin Tone:》Pale, she also has freckles and puts on a heavy amount of blush because she feels it makes her cuter.


《Weight:》98 pounds



《Likes:》Baggy/oversized clothing, Soft things, Plushies, Seiko, Pastels, Drawing, Singing, Animals, Sweets


《Favorite food:》Dango

《Physical Capabilities:》Sakai has been found to actually have great strength for someone her size! One time, as a test, Taro made her carry him around a running track in his werewolf form, that experience alone gave her a lot of strength, even though she didn't get it the first time. After that, she also threw Taro from over her shoulder one time! Only once, and he wasn't even a werewolf. She also is a good runner, however when she gets anxious and scared, she will stumble and forget her training, and start to mess up a lot.

《Special Abilities/Quirk:》Omni is able to manipulate the bones in her body to be able to make her stronger, but the process is extremely painful for her using and de-activating the quirk. It could be compared to Kirishima’s hardening and Tetsutetsu’s steel.


《Personality:》Despite being an adult, Sakai still has a lot of her high school innocence from UA and her childhood. She's an extremely soft and bubbly girl, and is extremely quiet and cautious. Her best friend was a boy by the name of Seiko, but he mysteriously disappeared at some point, and she was often teased for her friendship with him, making her insecure. She is also sensitive and a crybaby, and will overthink literally everything if she can, especially with people. Despite her sweet nature though, she is more than capable of throwing down with someone, and will fight if she has to. 
