


4 years, 1 month ago


General Information

Name: Trixie

Nickname: Trash panda 

Age: 16

Nationality: NA

Place of Birth: TBA

Current home: Utopian Wastelands 

Job Title: Old Tech Expert, Weapons enthusiast/repair, Shop Keeper

Weapons:  NA

Relationship status: NA

Hobbies: Finding forgotten tech and trying to reverse engineer it, napping, making bullets, weapon repairs, pickpocketing

Likes: Nighttime, staying up late, afternoon naps, rainy days, food, overcast days, scary stories, conspiracy theories, playing pranks, teasing, watching cage fighting (will travel to the nearby city to watch)

Dislikes: The heat, crowds, being disturbed while working, someone touching or going through her things, cooking, getting wet 

Bad habits: Shutting others out, won’t ask for help, prideful, messy, bad manners, doesn’t trust easy, sassy, set in her ways, sarcastic. 

Good habits: Reliable, quick to reacthard worker, good with money

Strengths: Highly knowledgeable on old tech, street smart, clever, good climber, prideful in her work

Weaknesses: Bad sense of direction, not a strong swimmer, temper


Childhood: TBA

Teenager: Trixie is a young entrepreneur who runs a weapons shop in the Utopian Wastelands. Her shop is the only thing around for miles and was intended to be this way. This area may seem like a strange place to open a business, but these wastelands are known for finding old tech. Old tech is the remnants of technology from a world that existed many years ago. The knowledge of how to build these old gadgets has been long lost, but Trixie spends her time trying to reverse engineer these strange pieces of technology. She has yet to get any of them working, but this doesn’t stop her. 

She runs her weapons shop when she’s not tinkering with her gadgets. She makes bullets for guns, flash bombs, acoustic bombs, and much more. She’s every bounty hunter's go-to girl for their weapon needs.


Siblings: None

Parents: Echo (Mother)

Love interests: TBA

Friends: Chris K-Nine, K-Nine Unit, CeCe, Gizmo

Other important persons: Gear, Sally, Sparkle, Amy

Enemies: NA

Mental Characteristics 

Education: Trixie is self-taught in everything she knows. She does things by trial and error and isn’t hurt when things don’t work out. She views failures as opportunities and is always striving to know more. 

Self-Perception: Trixie is very satisfied with her life. She loves running her small business and getting all the time she wants to work on her gadgets. Unlike many, she doesn’t dream of a grand adventure. Trixie only aspires to be what she is, a tech nerd.  

Assumed External Perception: Anyone who comes to her shop is always surprised by how much this youngster knows. She is knowledgeable about everything she sells and can convince you to spend more than you intended. She’s better with one-on-one conversation and, despite being a sassy teenager, is good at talking with customers and going beyond their expectations. 

Self-Confidence: Trixie is confident in her own abilities. She hasn’t had anyone to truly rely on, so she’s learned to depend on herself and enjoys doing things her way, even if it’s not always right. 

Things That Upset Her: Someone insulting her mother, talking bad about her work, being outsmarted

Things That Make Her Happy: Time to tinker, fining new gadgets, watching meteor shows, going for late-night walks