Himari Sumiiro



4 years, 4 months ago



Name Himari Sumiiro
Alias Bokukei/Bokkei(-chan)
Gender Female
Age 38
D.O.B. 29 May
Sign Gemini
Height 178 cm (5'10)
Occupation Tattoo artist (former)
Coffee Shop owner(current)


Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.

Although born in a family of (albeit low ranking) superheroes, Himari never had any grandiose dreams of becoming a hero herself, much to the dismay of her parents. She simply didn't find any appeal in the idea of 'putting her life on the line to ensure the well being of every random stranger' on a daily basis. Her parents insisted she should become a hero regardless, because her quirk had 'great potential'. This ignited an early rebellious phase in Himari, one which never really disappeared, ever after she became an adult.

From the moment she entered school, Himari started getting into fights with everyone and anyone, for the stupidest of reasons. Whilst her older brother, Chisuke, was a model student at UA, Himari's parents barely managed to forcefully enroll her in a small high school that offered a hero course. Even then Himari was running into trouble everywhere she went.

Himari would have probabily continued to live her life without any goals or aspirations, if it weren't for a certian event which changed the course of her life forever.

It was by chance that she got acquainted with the local Yakuzas, the Ooedo Clan. A group of weak, 'freshly employed' errand boys was gathered in front of a convenience store, and Himari accidentally bumped into one of them. They didn’t take her half hearted ‘sorry’ too well, and the encounter soon turned into a full out brawl, despite the Oodeo’s ‘no harming innocent civilians unless absolutely necessary’ rule. The fight ended up in a draw- everyone involved passing out due to exhaustion.

The daughter of the Oodeo Clan’s boss, Yoshie, witnessed everything from afar. She had seen Himari’s sketchbook, filled with various drawings, and noticed she had used the ink from said drawing in order to fight. As an art lover who was unable to have any children of her own, Yoshie instantly took a liking to the girl. She went as far as taking the passed out Himari to the clan’s headquarters, treating her wounds, and even offering her a possible position as a tattoo artist for the group in the future.

After mulling the offer over, Himari promised she would return with a clear answer as soon as she obtained her hero license and turned 18- so she could legally use her quirk regardless of which path she choose to take.

True to her word, Himari ran away from home the day she turned 18, and joined the Ooedos at Yoshie's side. That was the beginning of Himari’s Tattoo artist career.

Himari didn't receive a warm welcome from everyone- at least not at the very beginning. However, after seeing she was a gutsy teenager who also knew where to draw the line, Yoshie's men slowly started warming up to her.

It was during her time with the Yakuza that Himari learnt most of the things she knows today. From how to 'fight dirty' to how to avoid insurance fraud, from how to fire a gun to flower language and tattoo symbolism- Himari was eager to swallow up every last drop of knowledge she could. She was happy to be officially part of her very own, loud and fun dysfunctional family...

However, as all good things do, her time there had to end.

Both the head of the Ooedo clan and Yoshie passed away in a terrible accident, leaving everyone in the hands of a young, overachieving new boss. Things were getting more and more violent, the clan often being forced to bite off more than they could chew. Himari couldn't stand seeing them self destruct. She promptly quit her job- and was left off the hook easily, considering she didn't play any vital role in the organization.

Completely lost as to what to do next, Himari ended up moving to the other side of Japan. With all the money she had gained whilst working as a Tattoo artist, she bought herself an apartment and then later, a small space which she transformed into a Coffee Shop.

Months passed- and Himari was still tormented by the ghost of her past, continuously asking herself whether or not she made all the wrong decisions in life, guilt was consuming every fiber of her being... and then, just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, she met him. Toshinori Yagi. The man reminded her of a sunflower- tall, bright, and resembling the sun with his joyful radiance. Without even realizing it, he came in and saved her in her darkest time, by simply being his usual kind self- this was the first time Himari felt like she had met a true superhero.

This was the begging of her feelings for him- feelings she did not dare act upon, knowing Toshinori deserves so much better than her.


  • Himari was born with a handy and urprisingly versatile quirk- she can manipulate any form of ink that comes in direct contact with her skin, be it fresh or dry, high or low quality, black or colored.
  • More than its shape, she can also change the ink’s density, turning it into a solid state. She uses this ability to create all sorts of weapons that could aid her in fighting: blades, shields, whips, hammers- if the situation calls for it, she can even make masks that cover her opponent’s nose and mouth, blocking their respiratory function.
  • In the past, Himari’s quirk was much more limited- not only did she have to use tremendous amounts of concentration and energy to change the ink’s form and density, but back in the day, she used to carry around tubes of ink and sketchbooks filled with drawings of weapons everywhere. Now she can store the ink in the form of tattoos on her body.