Siobhan Aquatica



4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Name pronunciation

Shah-vahn Ah-kwa-tik-ah


Undead Mer-elf




She's lost track


Sea queen


Sweet, bubbly, friendly, the absolute epitome of kindness


She doesn't change because clothes wouldn't hold up in the deep ocean for an eternity, but sometimes she makes necklaces and other accessories out of the glowy stuff she finds in the deep.



Siobhan died a long time ago. In life, Siobhan was a high elf who ran her kingdom with an iron fist. She was nasty, stubborn, stuck up, and never really knew how to take care of her subjects in ways that didn't just benefit herself. When Siobhan was on a ship on her way to visit family in a sister kingdom, the ship was ambushed by an enemy realm, where she met a grim fate. Siobhan was actually so stubborn and self-focused, her soul refused to leave her body, and she vowed vengeance on those who she felt wronged by. She plotted for years on the best way to get her revenge, but when she went to enact it, she found her body and soul were bound to the water, the surface acting as a barrier that she could not penetrate.

After centuries of being under the water, her body had morphed to have a tail, rather than legs. He body grew scales to deal with the harsh conditions of the deep ocean, and she went blind from being in dark conditions for a huge chunk of her sentence. Not that she needed her sight, though, as she had become so in tune with the water and her new biome, she knew exactly where she was and where she was headed.

Being under the water for so long, alone and in an unforgiving environment, had humbled Siobhan. She slowly came to realize that she was just another elf, born into royalty, and that she was never inherently better than her subjects. Knowing that she could never help herself, she turned to helping the creatures of the water. She planted homes of coral and vegetation for the fish, and threw all trash she found onto the beaches, where she knew people would eventually clean it up. She actually became so friendly and kind, that she ended up with a small following of urchins, fish, and even whales and sharks. She found herself in charge of a kingdom of coral, but this time she was determined to do it right.